Welcome to the ESO antiquities overview page. In this category of the website you can find a library of all the Elder Scrolls Online antiquities, including leads. It is important to know that the antiquities system is only available to players that have access to Greymoor. In certain instances leads are also located in DLC zones, therefore it is recommended to have ESO Plus as well.
Overview Antiquities
Antiquities are historical treasures hidden all over Tamriel and beyond, just waiting for you to learn about them. The Antiquities system allows you to search for these lost, forgotten, and valuable objects - to catalog them, learn about their lore, and to reap the rewards. Antiquities are only available to players who have purchased the Greymoor DLC. Players who have not purchased the Greymoor DLC are able to discover Leads for Antiquities, but will not be able to join the Antiquarian Circle - and this, they cannot Scry for or excavate those Antiquities.
To begin your journey as an Antiquarian, you'll need to visit the Antiquarian Circle, found in Solitude, in Western Skyrim. There, you will find Verita Numida, who will start you on your path.