What is the best skill in ESO?
For Stamina players it would be
Reverse Slash and for Magicka players
Unstable Wall of Elements. Tanks will have a strong tool with
Pierce Armor and a Healer can't go wrong with
Rapid Regeneration!
Are there skills in ESO?
Yes, everyone has skills. There's Active Skills, Passive Skills and Ultimate Skills. They are also called abilities. Players can have 5 Active Skills on their action bar and as many Passive Skills as they have skill points. Per action bar side you can also slot one Ultimative Skill.
How do I learn skills in ESO?
Basically, skills are being learned by gaining specific experience in a skill line. This can be achieved in many different ways, be it experience by killing enemies, by deconstructing an item and gaining inspiration (experience) or using items to level a skill line.
Can you unlock all skills in ESO?
Yes you can! But in order to do so you need to collect all available skill points in the game. This is achieved by doing main story quests, collecting skyshards, leveling or doing dungeon quests, for example.
Can you get enough skills points for everything in ESO?
Yes you can, it just takes a lot of time to get it. Aside from getting 50 skill points for leveling, you will also get skill points for all public dungeon group events, dungeon quests, main story quests, PvP ranks etc
Should I get every skill in ESO?
It doesn't necessarily make sense getting every skill in ESO, but it makes a lot of sense leveling as many skills as possible. The more you learn the game, the more you will want to replace skills or adjust them to a specific situation. You may also want to switch roles at one point. Otherwise you can always readjust your skills!
Can you solo ESO?
Yes, you can absolutely solo most of the content in ESO. There's player dedicating their entire time to achieving almost anything solo in ESO. Of course this takes time and skill, but especially in the beginning a companion can help you out if you don't have the skills yet!
How many times an you morph a skill in ESO?
A skill can be morphed once only, but you can reset your skill-points to morph it again.
What's the max skill level in ESO?
The max is 50 at the moment, with a few exceptions that are lower.
Can you respec skills in ESO?
Yes you can reset your skills at any time at respec shrines in the main cities of any alliance, or in the main cities of each DLC/chapter.