Explaining the ESO Build Editor - Character Editor
The ESO Build Editor is both optimized on mobile and desktop, the layout may be a bit different though. Lets go through each section of the build creator. You can look at any build from the ESO Builds Overview Page to view how other players see the created builds.
On desktop you have the whole menu on the left side, whereas on mobile you will have to click on the 3 lines on the left side to open up the different section. You can also save and share your builds. On desktop you can easily see the save and share button, whereas on mobile you will have to click on the tree small dots on the upper right side.
Note: Most of the different sections are optional. For example if you don't want to add the passives, then you don't have to, the build will still be displayed.
The "General" section of the build editor covers all the basics. You can add a build name and a short build description. You can also select the race, class, combat role and game mode of your build. You can also upload an unique image of your character that uses the build.
The "Guide" section of the build editor lets you add a detailed explanation of your build. Here you can write as much as you want for anything related to your build. You can write about why you picked certain sets, set alternatives and so on. For example you could also explain tactics on how to play in different situations or how the rotation of the build works.
Players always appreciate an in depth explanation of a build, therefore it is recommended to be as detailed as possible.
You can also attach a youtube video link to your build and a banner image of your character.
The "Settings" section lets you set your build on public, private and only accessible to people with link. If you set it on private only you can view it, if you set it to accessible with link then anyone with the link can view the build but it won't show up on any of the overview pages. You can also set the current DLC for the build and change the order of the different setups that your ESO build has.
Within one build you can create up to 5 setups. This is useful if you have one build but you would like to showcase several set or skill setups. For example you could create your most optimal set and skill combo, but you could also create a separate beginner combo. This feature in the ESO build editor is great because you are not limited to one setup only. Especially new players are always happy if you show them a beginner setup that is fairly easy to obtain.
The "Character" section of the ESO build editor (ESO Character Editor) lets you select your attribute points (magicka, health, stamina), your curse (none, vampire, lycanthropy), your food and your mundus stone.
Tip: On desktop you can right click on the plus or minus to jump to max points and on mobile you can keep pressing the button for a bit longer to jump to max attribute points, that way you don't have to click on it 64 times to fill it out.
The "Equipment" section lets you select your gear and poisons. You can click on any of the available slots and then search for the right ESO set that you want to select. Once you have added a certain set to the page, you can click on it again to change the trait or the enchantment. You can also create your own poisons with the correct ingredients.
The "Skills" section lets you create your own skill setup that you want to use with your build in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). You can fill out both or only 1 bar whatever you prefer. If you want additional skill bars then please create an additional setup.
The "Passive" section lets you select all the passives of the build that you use. If you go to a skill line, you can also select "all" and it will add all the passives from that skill line to your setup.
The "Champion" sections covers all the champion points of the build. At the top you see the three different trees (warfare, fitness, craft). In each of them you can select the four different slottable perks and if you want you can also add all the other passive perks in the list below.
The "Consumables" section in the ESO build creator lets you select the potions that you want to use with the build. You can either pick one of the popular potions or create your own.
In the Screenshots section you can add screenshots of your characters stats if you want.