The ESO Endeavors system is a free addition to the ESO Base game that arrived as part of Update 30 and launched mid-June 2021. It is free for all players. The new system lets you complete daily and weekly tasks called Endeavors. By completing these dailies and weeklies you are awarded with various rewards (such as Gold or Experience) and a new currency called Seals of Endeavor. The Endeavors in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) are listed in the Group & Activity Finder. You automatically receive 5 account-wide daily and 3 weekly Endeavors that ask you to complete different tasks. They can be anything from PvP to gathering or crafting.
The rewards will be automatically collected once you complete an ESO Endeavors task, so no need to do anything upon completion! You can complete up to 3 Endeavor dailies from anywhere on your account with any of your characters at the moment, but this cap can change at any time, so that you don’t have to do everything and miss out, if you don’t like gathering resources, for example. So, regardless of your playstyle, you will be able to get the maximum out of your dailies and you will have an opportunity to earn the new currency without having to complete activities you don’t necessarily enjoy. Once you have reached the cap, the rest will be deactivated. After 24 hours and on the reset timer for all daily activities, new ones will become available. Same applies to the weekly tasks.