Welcome to the ESO Arcanist Builds overview page (Elder Scrolls Online). Below, you can find a list of all the Arcanist builds that exist on ESO-Hub for each role.
You can also create your own build with the ESO Build Editor, we do recommend you create an ESO-Hub account so you can edit your builds later. Please click on the build that you would like to view.
ESO Arcanist Builds Introduction
The Arcanist class is expected to be a versatile class, suited to builds of any in-game role. This is because its three skill lines are each designed to support a specific role.
The three skill lines for the Arcanist class are:
- Herald of the Tome: Manipulate arcane energies to bombard your foes with damaging blasts, beams, and more. This will be the main offensive skill line for the Arcanist. This skill line is primarily focused on DPS builds.
- Curative Runeforms: Make use of healing runes to keep yourself and your group healthy and shield your allies from damage. This skill line is primarily focused on support and healing, so it will probably see the most use by healer and tank builds.
- Apocryphal Soldier: This skill line helps you to play defensively and protect your allies, and also allows you to dominate your foes' attentions and buff yourself and your group's defensive capabilities. It is likely that this skill will contain a taunt ability, making it an obvious point of interest for tank builds.