Evolving Runemend
Cost: 4590 MagickaTarget: Cone
Radius: 28 meters
Craft a series of adaptive Apocryphal runes, then propel them at yourself or an ally in front of you. The runes heal for 1161 Health three times, an additional 1302 Health over 6 seconds, and generate Crux. Each active Crux reduces the cost of this ability by 3%.
New effect
Heals for an additional amount over time.
Name: Evolving Runemend
Found in: Arcanist > Curative Runeforms
Unlocks at: Curative Runeforms Rank 1 and Runemend Rank IV
Evolving Runemend is a skill in the Curative Runeforms skill line under the Arcanist category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Skill styles available for Evolving Runemend Champion Points that buff Evolving Runemend
Found in: Arcanist > Curative Runeforms
Unlocks at: Curative Runeforms Rank 1 and Runemend Rank IV
Evolving Runemend is a skill in the Curative Runeforms skill line under the Arcanist category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Skill styles available for Evolving Runemend Champion Points that buff Evolving Runemend
- Blessed
- Fighting Finesse (only while slotted)
- Precision
- Quick Recovery
- Rejuvenator (only while slotted)
- Soothing Tide (only while slotted)
- Untamed Aggression (only while slotted)