Mystic Guard Skill - ESO
Mystic Guard Skill - ESO

Mystic Guard
Cost: 3132 StaminaMaximum range: 15 meters
Create a lifebond between you and an allied player. While bonded 30% of the damage they take is instead redistributed to you. You and your bonded ally also gain Minor Vitality, increasing your healing received and damage shield strength by 6%. The bond will remain until you recast the spell or move more than 15 meters away from your ally.
New effect
You and your bonded ally also gain Minor Vitality, increasing your healing received.
Name: Mystic Guard
Found in: Alliance War > Support
Unlocks at: Support Rank 5 and Guard Rank IV
Mystic Guard is a skill in the Support skill line under the Alliance War category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Found in: Alliance War > Support
Unlocks at: Support Rank 5 and Guard Rank IV
Mystic Guard is a skill in the Support skill line under the Alliance War category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Unmorphed version

Other morph