Ozezan the Inferno is the second boss in Scrivener's Hall. It has 7.3 million health on Veteran difficulty.
Ozezan the Inferno Mechanics
Below are the mechanics for Ozezan the Inferno, along with the most notable attacks that you need to watch out for.
Lava Pools
Every once in a while, Ozezan will burrow into the ground and emerge in another location, leaving behind a very large lava AOE at the previous location. These AOEs will persist for the entirety of the fight, resulting in area denial. The tank can minimize this danger by keeping the boss at the edge of the arena and overlapping new lava pools as much as possible with the outer wall and with previous lava pools.
Ozezan will target two players with a laser, which needs to be kited for a few seconds to avoid the damage.
Poison Cone
Ozezan will target the tank with a large conal cleave, which should always be faced away from the group to avoid unnecessary damage and potential deaths.
Evolved Broodlings
Evolved Broodlings are small flying adds that will spawn throughout the fight. They're not too dangerous at first, but its important to keep killing them, otherwise you might get too many of them which could cause a problem. They can also channel an attack that does heavy DoT damage to all players, which should be interrupted.
About halfway through the fight, the boss will burrow to the middle of the room and a massive AOE will quickly expand outwards, filling about 90% of the room. Only the outermost parts of the room, closest to the wall, will not be covered by this AOE. When the AOE is finished expanding, all players will be sucked towards the middle of the room.
If you didn't get out of the AOE in time, you will be sucked to the boss and you will die. If you did get out in time, you will still be sucked but only about halfway to the boss. Note that it is still possible to die in the latter scenario if the tank accidentally dropped a lava AOE in a bad place - if you are sucked into a lava pool you will die, and there's nothing you can do about it. So make sure to position yourself so that there are no AOEs between you and the boss during this phase.
Get to the edge of the room to survive the Suction mechanic
Ozezan the Inferno Hardmode Mechanics
On hardmode, Ozezan will be buffed up to 13.1 million health.
Some of the mechanics work differently in Hardmode, making the fight more challenging.
Firstly, the lasers will now be targeted at all four players instead of just two, so you will need to be more careful with the kiting to ensure you do not run into other players.
More adds will also spawn during Hardmode. In addition, you have the following extra mechanics to worry about:
Iron Atronachs
At 40% and 20% health remaining, the boss will spawn an Iron Atronach which the tank will need to taunt asap. How you approach this will largely depend on how good your group is; if your tank can survive a lot of damage and your group DPS is high, you may be able to ignore one or both of them and nuke the boss. However if you're struggling then its probably best to play it safe and kill the iron atronachs.
Green Bugs
These bugs are actually present in non-hardmode too, but in that mode they just turn into fire bolts that will deal some extra damage.
In Hardmode, the Green Bugs will transform into extra adds, which can become extremely numerous if left unchecked. To counteract this, players should squash the bugs by running over them before they can transform.