Cost: 125 UltimateCast time: 4 seconds
Target: Area
Duration: 4 seconds
Radius: 20 meters
Channel the grace of the gods, healing you and nearby allies for 2788 Health every 1 second for 4 seconds. Gain Major Protection, reducing damage you take by 10% for 10 seconds. You cannot move while channeling, but you gain immunity to all disabling effects.
New effect
Gain Major Protection after casting, reducing your damage taken.
Name: Remembrance
Found in: Templar > Restoring Light
Unlocks at: Restoring Light Rank 12 and Rite of Passage Rank IV
Remembrance is a skill in the Restoring Light skill line under the Templar category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Buffs Champion Points that buff Remembrance
Found in: Templar > Restoring Light
Unlocks at: Restoring Light Rank 12 and Rite of Passage Rank IV
Remembrance is a skill in the Restoring Light skill line under the Templar category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Buffs Champion Points that buff Remembrance
- Blessed
- Fighting Finesse (only while slotted)
- Precision
- Quick Recovery
- Rejuvenator (only while slotted)
- Soothing Tide (only while slotted)
- Untamed Aggression (only while slotted)