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Zone Dailies List for ESO - Zone Daily Elder Scrolls Online


West Weald Dailies

In the West Weald zone, part of the Gold Road Chapter/DLC, there are three different types of Daily Quests that you can pick up. The quest givers are located in the Skingrad city. 

Like with similar daily quests in other zones, you can complete more than one of each type per day by grouping with a friend and having them share their quest with you. You can also use a different character. There are 6 World boss and 6 Delve Daily Quests available, one for each of them. Mirrormoor Dailies aren't specific and have two possible shares.

You are able to get the Gold Road Sword for Hire meta achievement by completing 30 of each type of daily quest which will award you with the Skill Style Magelight, Viridian Green

Skingrad: Daily Quest Giver Location in the West Weald Zone in ESO
Skingrad: Daily Quest Giver Location in the West Weald Zone in ESO

Daily Delve Quest - West Wield Dailies

Commandant Salerius in Skingrad, West Weald hires you as a mercenary to help in various tasks across the West Weald Delves. Travel to the requested delve and complete the tasks given to you. You will be awarded with a Skingrad Reward Coffer for completion.

1. Trinkets from the Reach Varen's Watch
2. A Study in Tharriker Fyrelight Cave
3. Venom Hunt Legion's Rest
4. Loan Recall Haldain Lumber Camp
5. Ruinous Evaluation Nonungalo
6. A Calamitous Error Fort Colovia

Daily World Boss Quest - West Wield Dailies

Lieutenant Agrance in Skingrad, West Weald offers you gold in exchange for striking targets off her list. You will need to kill the required World Boss and complete additional tasks near the target. You will be awarded with a Skingrad Reward Coffer for completion.

1. Training Camp Centurion's Rise
2. Recollection Leaders Frontier's Cradle
3. Spinning Out Fall's Glade
4. Fate-Eater Broken Path Cave
5. Hazardous Waters Lake Olo
6. Baleful Bluffs Fortune's Bluf

Daily Mirrormoor Incursion Quest - West Wield Dailies

Legionary Jaida in Skingrad, West Weald requires your help fighting off the Mirrormoor Incursions that have been laying waste to the countryside. First you need to destroy three Shardborn valkynazes to be able to kill the champion.

Follow the three streaks of light coming from the main Mirrormoor event and remember to loot the small pile of mirrors after defeating the Shardborns! You will be awarded with a Skingrad Reward Coffer for completion.

West Weald Dailies locations on map in ESO
West Weald Dailies locations on map in ESO

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