During the tutorial we learn a few things about the game. First, it matters which weapon you choose. This will unlock one specific weapon skill line and if you were to equip another one, that one would also unlock upon the first kill of an enemy.
Norianwe and a golemWith entering the next room we learn the essentials of combat as Norianwe summons a sparring partner. The first lesson we learn is to Light Attack. This is how you attack as a very basic thing, but will also be a very important tool to utilize in advanced combat. Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you about it in the tutorial, but you should always Light Attack in between using an ability.
The next thing you learn is also incredibly important. Blocking means that you shield yourself from incoming attacks. It won't negate the damage entirely, but it will help you minimize it. It also stuns your target, which you can use to cast a Heavy Attack.
Breaking Free is also very important, as attacks can stun you and will eventually kill you. At least it always leaves you in a very vulnerable position.
Bashing is especially important, as many opponents can cast powerful spells or heals that need to be interrupted.
Always keep in mind to look at thelower right where the helpful tips will appear. For example it will tell you that you can unlock an armor skill line by equipping 3 pieces of a specific armor type.
A bear trapAs you continue in your journey, you will come across a stray golem. In order not to be attacked by it, Norianwe suggest that you sneak past through it. Be careful of the trap that is lying towards the next room. You can either avoid it or you can disarm it.
The game also teaches you how to Sprint, or how to increase the size of your Field of View, while making your way to the gallery. You can also attack more golems there, as well as some tigers and practice your combat techniques.
A Gargoyle and a SkyshardAt the end you have to prove yourself against Shyazzel the Traveler. She will challenge you to use your knowledge that you acquired in your combat techniques. As a general advice: If you see something red on the ground, run out of it!
However, something the tutorial doesn't teach you though, but something you should definitely do, is loot all the urns. They can contain quite valuable items and sometimes sell for a lot of gold!