Lets take a look at the Clockwork City dailies quests that you can complete to earn rewards in the ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).
In Clockwork City you can earn the following special rewards:
- Daily Delve - Ebonshadow Motif (Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer) & Apostle Motif (Slag Town Coffer)
- Daily World Boss - Ebonshadow Motif (Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer) & Apostle Motif (Slag Town Coffer)
- Daily Resupplying - Apostle Motif (Slag Town Coffer)
- Daily Blackfeather - Ebonshadow Motif (Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer)
Daily Delve - Clockwork City Dailies
Daily Delve (Blue on the map): Various Objectives in the two Clockwork City Delves.
- Prerequisite Quests: None
- Questgiver: Novice Holli (The Brass Fortress)
- Special Reward: Ebonshadow Motif (Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer) & Apostle Motif (Slag Town Coffer)
Nr | Quest | Reward |
1 | Again into the Shadows (The Shadow Cleft) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
2 | A Shadow Malfunction (The Shadow Cleft) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
3 | A Shadow Misplaced (The Shadow Cleft) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
4 | Changing the Filters (Halls of Regulation) | Slag Town Coffer |
5 | Oiling the Fans (Halls of Regulation) | Slag Town Coffer |
6 | Replacing the Commutators (Halls of Regulation) | Slag Town Coffer |
Daily World Boss - Clockwork City Dailies
Daily World Boss (Red on the map): Kill one of the two Clockwork City World Bosses
- Prerequisite Quests: None
- Questgiver: Clockwork Facilitator (The Brass Fortress)
- Special Reward: Ebonshadow Motif (Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer) & Apostle Motif (Slag Town Coffer)
Nr | Quest | Reward |
1 | A Fine Feathered Foe (Exarch's Egress) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
2 | Inciting the Imperfect (Sanctuary of Verification) | Slag Town Coffer |
Daily Resupplying - Clockwork City Dailies
Daily Resupplying (Green on the map): Gather various materials in the Clockwork City
- Prerequisite Quests: None
- Questgiver: Razgurug (The Brass Fortress)
- Special Reward: Apostle Motif (Slag Town Coffer)
Nr | Quest | Reward |
1 | A Bitter Pill (Herbalist satchels) | Slag Town Coffer |
2 | A Daily Grind (Flash stone & metal pellets) | Slag Town Coffer |
3 | A Sticky Solution (Fabricated husk & counterfeit coal) | Slag Town Coffer |
4 | Enchanted Accumulation (Runestones & runelights) | Slag Town Coffer |
5 | Fuel for our Fires (Synthetic oil & skimmer mesh) | Slag Town Coffer |
6 | Loose Strands (Metal strands & artificial lodestones) | Slag Town Coffer |
Daily Blackfeather - Clockwork City Daily
Daily Blackfeather (Yellow on the map): Aquire or steal various items from all over Tamriel
- Prerequisite Quests: None
- Questgiver: Bursar of Tributes (The Brass Fortress) & Razgurug (The Brass Fortress)
- Special Reward:Ebonshadow Motif (Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer)
Nr | Quest | Reward |
1 | A Matter of Leisure (Trinkets of leisure / Toys) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
2 | A Matter of Respect (Cookware & dishes) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
3 | A Matter of Tributes (Cosmetics & grooming supplies) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
4 | Glitter and Gleam (Ornate trinkets) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
5 | Morsels and Pecks (Body parts & other flesh) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
6 | Nibles and Bits (Hides, husks & carapaces) | Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer |
Clockwork City Zone Dailies Maps
The different colors indicate different daily activities that you can complete in the Clockwork City zone.
- Daily Delve (Blue on the map): Various Objectives in the two Clockwork Delves
- Daily World Boss (Red on the map): Kill one of the two Clockwork City World Bosses
- Daily Resupplying (Green on the map): Gather various materials in the Clockwork City
- Daily Blackfeather (Yellow on the map): Acquire or steal various items from all over Tamriel