Ember the Khajiit is a companion that you can acquire if you have access to the High Isle Chapter for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Both Ember the Khajiit and Isobel Velois have been added to the Companion System in the High Isle Chapter. Companions are NPCs that will travel alongside the player and will be a companion that can tank, dps or heal.
Ember can help any player defeat more difficult enemies and especially newer players have an opportunity to pick up bigger challenges, without having to ask others.
Also, if the group is a player short, Ember can replace a group member. Meaning if they want to go into a 4-player dungeon and they are only 3 people, someone can summon Ember and the group will be full.
Ember won’t be able to do complex mechanics, though, so she might not always be favored over other players.
It is also not possible to summon Ember while in combat, but perfectly able to unsummon her while in combat.
She will also not be able to be summoned in PvP instances, in single player arenas or in housing instances. Also, in instances where you can’t navigate to Ember and talk to her, she will be briefly invisible, such as while swimming.
At this point in time you cannot romance Ember.More Guides: Ember Leveling Guide