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Ember The Khajiit Companion Guide for ESO


Ember the Khajiit is a companion that you can acquire if you have access to the High Isle Chapter for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Both Ember the Khajiit and Isobel Velois have been added to the Companion System in the High Isle Chapter. Companions are NPCs that will travel alongside the player and will be a companion that can tank, dps or heal.

Ember can help any player defeat more difficult enemies and especially newer players have an opportunity to pick up bigger challenges, without having to ask others.

Also, if the group is a player short, Ember can replace a group member. Meaning if they want to go into a 4-player dungeon and they are only 3 people, someone can summon Ember and the group will be full.

Ember won't be able to do complex mechanics, though, so she might not always be favored over other players.

It is also not possible to summon Ember while in combat, but perfectly able to unsummon her while in combat.

She will also not be able to be summoned in PvP instances, in single player arenas or in housing instances. Also, in instances where you can't navigate to Ember and talk to her, she will be briefly invisible, such as while swimming.

At this point in time you cannot romance Ember.

More Guides: Ember Leveling Guide


Ember - Rapport and Disapproval or Approval

The rapport shows the relationship status with Ember The Khajiit. It can range from extreme dislike and contempt to viewing the player as their greatest ally and dearest friend. The player can decrease and increase the rapport via their in-game actions. Different actions have different cooldowns, so that rapport can not be positively or negatively influenced in rapid succession.

Disapproval Ember Rapport:

  • Fishing: -1
  • Getting seen pickpocketing, looting a safebox, stealing from a container, or killing an innocent NPC: -10 (shared cooldown)
  • Getting killed by a guard: -5 (no cooldown)
  • Willingly paying bounty to a guard after being caught: -25, then -5 for each additional payoff during cooldown (1 hour cooldown)
  • Getting spotted while in a restricted area (trespassing): -10 
Approval Ember Rapport:
  • Completing a Mages Guild daily: +125 (has a cooldown)
  • Completing a Thieves Guild heist without bonus: +125 (has a cooldown)
  • Completing a High Isle delve daily: +125 (has a cooldown)
  • Harvesting a runestone: +1
  • Killing wolves: +1
  • Killing werewolves: +1
  • Looting a safebox or thieves trove: +5, then +1 for each additional safebox/trove during cooldown (shared cooldown)
  • Winning a Tales of Tribute game: +10, then +1 for each additional game during cooldown
  • Pickpocketing a guard: +10, then +1 for each additional pick during cooldown
  • Choosing the "flee" option after being accosted by a guard: +10
  • Successfully getting away after choosing the flee option: +1
  • Invoking the Clemency perk after being accosted by a guard: +10
  • Entering a restricted area (trespassing): +1 (maybe only in quest areas? - observed during TG main quest)
  • Fencing a purple-quality stolen item: +25, then +5 for each additional item during cooldown
  • Selling a purple-quality item to a regular NPC vendor: +1 (has a cooldown)
  • Completing a Tip Board quest in the Thieves Den: +5 (has a cooldown)
  • Using a counterfeit pardon edict: +5
  • Entering an outlaws refuge or the Thieves Den: +1
  • Summoning the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten pet: +1 

Rapport info from this forum thread.

Ember - Personal Quests

When you increase your Rapport with Ember, you will eventually start to unlock her personal quests. There are three personal quests to unlock and complete:

  • Cold Trail
  • Cold Blood, Old Pain
  • Green with Envy
Completing all three of these quests will unlock the Ember's Companion achievement.

Ember - Companion Skills for ESO

Each companion has a unique associated non-combat perk which benefits the player while active.

Ember's Expertise: Ember's Intuition, provides a chance to acquire hidden wallets of gold when pickpocketing 

Ember's skills are that of a Sorcerer. Her available skills reflect these abilities in their Skill lines. These are as follows:

How to get Ember in ESO

Ember Companion Location ESOEmber Location - High Isle
Ember can be found in at Draioch just north of Gonfalon Bay, the main city of High Isle.

How to access Ember in ESO

Players wanting to acquire Ember need the High Isle Chapter, so that they can unlock her through completing associated quests in the High Isle zone. After this Ember The Khajiit will start following the player and will be available by either choosing from the Collections, or by quickslotting her via the Quickslot inventory. Her collectible can be found in the “Allies” section.

It is not possible to have multiple Allies or Assistants active at the same time, such as a banker and a companion.
how to access ember the khajiit ESO
The companion menu of Mirri with an Overview and the Equipment and Rapport

Embers's Menu
 can be accessed when talking to her.

The first page is an overview, showing the Combat Level of Ember, as well as whether she is wearing an outfit and if, which.

The next item is Ember's ability bar. She has 5 skills plus an Ultimate ability, which unlock the higher her Combat Level is. She has a priority of when to use which skill, so from the left to the right the priority becomes less. Next would be the Rapport. This shows what Ember thinks about the player and whether she is more likely to engage friendly with the player, or not.

The player can also access her equipment from here, which they have to carry in their inventory in order to have her equip it.

Rewards for Ember in ESO

Ember has three associated personal side quests which will become available to the player once a sufficient rapport has been established. Completing the second companion quest will unlock a houseguest collectible of Ember, allowing her to be placed and utilized similarly to other houseguest collectibles.

Completing any of Ember's side quests will result in a large rapport boost.

How do Skills work with Ember

In order to engage with Ember, talking to her will initiate a conversation and you can select the Companion Menu option.

This will bring up the Companion interface. It is the second icon from the top right.

Companion weapon skills with ability priority

All available skill lines are listed here, with the three Class skill lines at first, followed by the Weapon skill lines. The player has to equip a weapon first before it can unlock. The Class Skill lines increase with the combat level of Ember The Khajiit in ESO.

Same goes to the Armor skill line. 3 items of the same weight have to be equipped in order for the skill line to be equipped.

Weapon and Armor skill lines all increase through combat experience based on what the player carries.

The Guild skill lines are almost identical to the player Guild skill lines, only that there's only Fighters Guild, Mages Guild and Undaunted available so far. They increase through completing specific solo daily quests associated with the guild, for the active companion.

To find out how to find and complete the guild daily quests needed to improve Ember's guild skill lines, check out this guide to guild daily quests.

There's also only 1 Racial trait available which will be available from the beginning and won't need to be unlocked.

Ember The Khajiit does not have Champion Points.

How does Equipment work with Ember

In order to engage with Ember, talking to her will initiate a conversation and you can select the Companion Menu option.

On the first page on the left side the Equipment is available. A player has to carry the equipment they want her to wear in their inventory, otherwise it will not be possible to equip it.

Ember has the same equipment slots as the player, except for only being able to slot one weapon set, as she only has one ability bar. The quality of the equipment ranges from normal to epic, with being either traitless or having specific traits. A player will not be able to craft Ember gear, but will have to find the equipment. Ember's equipment does not include level, cannot be enchanted, does not require repairs and does not include an inherent style appearance, but instead inherits Ember's style.

White companion equipment can be purchased from Weaponsmith, Woodworker, Armorer, Leatherworker, and Tailor merchants throughout the world, particularly from bosses.

This equipment can be traded so it can be bought and sold on the market.

Companion's Robe equipment aggressiv

Please visit the All Companion Equipment List to see all the available item pieces.

The traits are as follows:
  • Aggressive - Increases Mirri's damage output (per equipped piece).
  • Augmented - Increases the duration of all her buffs and debuffs (per equipped piece).
  • Bolstered - Reduces the Damage Taken by Mirri (per equipped piece).
  • Focused - Increases the Critical Strike Rating of Mirri (per equipped piece).
  • Prolific- Increases the Ultimate regeneration of Mirri (per equipped piece).
  • Quickened- Reduces the Ability cooldown of Mirri (per equipped piece).
  • Shattering - Increases the Penetration of Mirri (per equipped piece).
  • Soothing - Increases the Healing Done of Mirri (per equipped piece).
  • Vigorous - Increases the Maximum Health of Mirri (per equipped piece).

For more details on the traits please visit the Companion Traits Overview Page for ESO.

Can I customize Ember The Khajiit in ESO

In order to engage with Ember, talking to her will initiate a conversation and you can select the Companion Menu option.

From here you can choose two different customizations. At the very first character sheet on the right side, underneath the Combat Level, is the Outfit. Here the player can choose between No Outfit and Companion Outfit.

If the player decides to go with No Outfit, the current equipment that Ember is wearing will be displayed. If a player wants to have a costume that they own worn by Ember, they have to choose the Collectibles icon on the top right. Here a player can also set the mount that Ember is supposed to ride.

In order to have their own customized Outfit displayed, the player needs to go to an Outfit Station that is not in a player's house because Ember needs to be active at the time of customization.

In the Outfit Station menu, the player can choose between themselves and Ember. From here it works the same as with a player Outfit. You can also choose colors for both the Outfit or a Costume at this station.

The head armor will be hidden at all times and will not be displayed regardless of equipment or cosmetic override settings.

Depending on gender, race or other restrictions, some of the player's cosmetics might also not be usable by the companion.

Players can't use polymorphs, personalities, skins, hats, hair or tattoos on companions.

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