Welcome to the ESO sets overview page. In this category of the website you can find a library of all Elder Scrolls Online sets. The ESO sets library is always kept up to date and reflects the data ingame. Please check the ESO set categories below to find the right subcategory.
The tooltip values of the sets are taken from an empty level 50 character. That way you can compare the different stats of each set, because they all have the same base character values. The tooltip numbers ingame will always be higher because you will run a fully optimized build. To learn more about sets, you can also check out the ESO Sets Beginner Guide.
- Advanced Search - You can either use the search bar and the filters to search for sets, or you can visit the respective categories.
- Craftable Sets - Please visit the ESO Craftable Sets page for all craftable sets.
- Compare Sets - If you want to compare sets, please visit the Armor Sets Compare Tool page.
- Popular Categories - Mythic Items and Monster Sets
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Class Sets
All the information about Class Sets in the Elder Scrolls Online. Sets that buff class skills in ESO.
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The ESO arena set category contains all arena sets that drop from various places such as the solo Maelstrom & Vateshran Hollows Arena and the 4 player Blackrose Prison & Dragonstar Arena.
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The ESO crafted sets category contains all craftable ESO sets including their location on the map and how many traits that are required to craft the items.
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The ESO dungeon set category contains all dungeon sets, excluding monster sets. The list contains both the base game and DLC dungeon sets.
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Monster Set
The ESO monster set category contains all monster sets. The headpieces can be acquired in the dungeons and the shoulder pieces come from the Undaunted hub.
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The ESO overland set category contains all overland sets both from the base game and DLC zones.
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The ESO pvp set category contains all PvP sets that drop from Cyrodiil, Imperial City and Battlegrounds. As well as the sets that can be crafted inside Cyrodiil and Imperial City.
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The ESO trial set category contains all trial sets that drop from various 12 player trials such as Aetherian Archive, Hel Ra Citadel, Sanctum Ophidia, Maw of Lorkhaj, Halls of Fabrication, Asylum Sanctorium, Cloudrest, Sunspire and Kyne's Aegis.
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The ESO unknown set category contains armor sets that are no longer obtainable in the game. However, they are still technically in the game and in the system.
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The ESO mythic set category contains all mythic items. Mythic items are special one piece sets that are obtainable through the Antiquities System.
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Особые наборы снаряжения
Уровень 50 - CP 160
Проклятие Барахи
(2 предмета) Макс. здоровье +1206(3 предмета) Макс. магия +1096
(4 предмета) Макс. запас сил +1096, Урон от ловушек снижается на 40%.
(5 предметов) При нанесении урона вы с вероятностью 25% создаете оскверненный участок земли на 5 сек. замедляя противников в радиусе 3,5 м на 60% а также нанося им 349 ед. магического урона раз в 1 сек. и исцеляя себя на 100% от нанесенного урона. Этот эффект может срабатывать не чаще чем раз в 5 сек. а его сила зависит от вашего максимального запаса здоровья.
Уровень 50 - CP 160
Генерал Коловианского нагорья
(1 предмет) Пробивание +1487(2 предмета) Убив игрока вы получаете заряд эффекта Кровный долг на 0,5 сек. Когда действие эффекта заканчивается вы и 5 других членов группы в радиусе 28 метров от вас восстанавливаете 15 очк. суперспособности за каждый заряд эффекта Кровный долг.
Уровень 50 - CP 160
Ядовитая кара
(2 предмета) Шанс крит. удара +657(3 предмета) Шанс крит. удара +657
(4 предмета) Сила оружия и заклинаний +129
(5 предметов) Нанося критический урон вы на 10 сек. накладываете на противника эффект Яд охотника который наносит вашей цели и противникам в радиусе 6 метров от нее 714 ед. ядовитого урона раз в 2 сек. Этот эффект может срабатывать не чаще чем раз в 15 сек. а его сила зависит от вашей силы оружия или заклинаний (учитывается характеристика с более высоким значением).
Transmutation System Guide for ESO - Elder Scrolls Online
Transmutation System Guides for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Learn how to transmute items & how to farm transmute geodes!
Trait Research Guide - Elder Scrolls Online
Trait Research Guide for The Elder Scrolls Online. Everything you need to know about trait research in ESO.
Benefit of Item Sets? - Elder Scrolls Online
Explanation on the benefits of sets in The Elder Scrolls Online. How do they make you more powerful? How can they help increase combat or farming efficiency?
Quality Gear Levels Guide - Elder Scrolls Online
Explanation of all quality levels for gear in The Elder Scrolls Online. Weapons, Jewelry and Armor quality levels.
Transmute vs Reconstruct - What's Better?
A guide on how you can save transmute stones with reconstructing items instead of transmuting them! Item Set Collections & Reconstruction.
Наборы, которые работают в No-CP кампаниях в ESO - No Procs No-CP
Полный список всех сетов, которые все еще работают в кампаниях без чемпионских очков для Cyrodiil и Imperial City в ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).
How do Proc Sets work in ESO? Proc Set rules explained.
ESO Proc Sets and how they work. Everything you need to know about proc sets and how they work. Damage scaling, healing scaling, shield size and more...
Часто задаваемые вопросы
What do sets do in ESO?
Sets in ESO increase the power of your character by a huge margin. Equipping sets on your character can boost stats or create unique effects such as explosions, boost the damage of your whole group or debuff the enemy. There are thousands of options, you can learn more about all the sets in the ESO Sets Library.What is the best Set in ESO?
Some of the best ESO sets are Crushing Wall, Thunderous Volley, False God's Devotion, Arms of Relequen and plenty more. The most powerful sets change depending on the activity you play in ESO.Take a look at a list of the best ESO sets:For information on all ESO sets, please visit the ESO Sets Library which contains all the available sets and includes information on where you can find the sets pieces.
How do you get set items in ESO?
Sets in ESO are obtained via crafting and also drop from monsters and bosses in overland zones, dungeons, trials, pvp activities and can also be bought in the guildstores. Some sets are bound in pickup, this means that you won't be able to sell/trade the set. Some sets are bound on equip, this means that you can trade/sell the set as long as you have not equipped it yet.Do set bonuses stack in ESO?
Set bonuses in ESO do stack if they are not named bonuses. For example if you get Major Sorcerey (20% Spell Damage buff) from two different sources, only one counts. However, if I get Major Sorcery and Minor Sorcery, they will stack because a Major + a Minor can be stacked together. You can also combine Major Sorcery with an unique spell damage buff, from example from the set Law of Julianos, which has extra spell damage listed on the 5 piece bonus without it being a Major or Minor buff.What's important to know about item sets in ESO?
There are a few things you should know about ESO item sets. Below we are going to take a look at set bonuses, traits, set parts and perfect and imperfect gear for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).
ESO Set Bonus
Sets in ESO can have bonuses, and they are usually to be found on weapons, armor and jewelry. There's a few ESO sets with simple bonuses, but the majority of sets have a so-called set bonus which makes it unique and has an effect that cannot be done with other pieces of equipment.
You can either craft sets, find them in all kinds of content or even excavate them. The bonuses can reach from 1 piece (for Mythical pieces from excavation) to 5 pieces per set. Oftentimes other players refer to 5-5-2 or 5-5-1-1 in order to show how many different set pieces of equipment you should be wearing and with how many bonuses active.
Example of an 5-5-2 Setup:
5x False God's Devotion
5x Mother's Sorrow
2x Zaan
Example 5-5-1-1 Setup:
5x False God's Devotion
5x Mother's Sorrow
1x Zaan
1x Ring of the Pale Order
Traits in ESO
Traits in ESO are special bonuses that are either already on an item set or are applied during item creation in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). They can either be random, which is often the case when it drops from an enemy, or they can be defined by crafting ingredients during the crafting process.
Traits are incredibly important for ESO sets, as they define your playstyle. A damage dealer would for example prefer divines in PvE to increase the Mundus Stone effect, whereas a tank would oftentimes prefer sturdy to decrease the block cost. In the beginning this all doesn't really matter, especially not before 160 Champion Points (the maximum level for gear), but when a player reaches the 160 Champion Points level in ESO it is advisable they decide on which kind of playstyle they want to play and decide which trait to get on which pieces of gear. Optimizing sets in ESO is a big part and can make or break a build.
Traits on gear pieces for ESO sets can also later be changed by Transmutation. For that a transmutation station is needed, as well as transmutation gems and you need to have researched the trait you want to change the gear into. Having one character dedicated to this can come in very handy, as any character can perform this action. The gear will be soul-bound though after the transmutation process.
ESO Weapons, Armor & Jewelry Set pieces
Weapons in ESO are quite unique in the sense that they always represent 2 set bonuses. A 1-handed weapon will need another 1-handed weapon or a shield (which counts as armor, not as weapon) in order to make the 2 item set bonus active, or a large weapon will count as 2 items, as the character will wield it with two hands.
Armor in ESO has 3 different types of weight: light, medium and heavy. Each weight has its own skill line and profits from various passive abilities. Light armor utilizes magicka, whereas stamina setups benefit the most from Medium armor. Tanks would usually want to utilize the Heavy armor skill line, as they benefit the most from it.
Jewelry in ESO has been in the game for quite some time now, but it's still a very expensive hobby for crafters. You can find any kind of jewelry quality in all content, but players can also craft jewelry for any crafting set in ESO and determine the quality themselves. That also means that you can upgrade the quality of any ESO Set - be it weapons, armor or jewelry. The only exception are mythic items. They can not be modified.
Enchantments & Durability for ESO Sets
Enchantments in ESO on weapon, armor and jewelry are so-called glyphs that add special enhancements to your items and boost your capabilities for your ESO sets, such as Damage, Maximum Health or Magicka Regeneration for example. They help flesh out a role and can help with deficits, for example if you don't have enough magicka, you can enchant your gear with magicka glyphs. These also come in all kinds of quality and can be found in all kinds of content. Only players can craft legendary glyphs, though.
Durabilityis something that we find on armor, but not on jewelry. For every amount of experience we receive, the item will lose durability. The same applies to dying. Traits, enchantments and set bonuses on ESO sets will no longer work and you will have to repair it to restore the power.
On weapons it's called a Charge. They can not lose durability, but the enchantment's charge will run out. You need a Soul Gem in order to fill it back up (right click on the weapon and choose charge).
Perfect and Imperfect Gear Sets in ESO
Very few ESO sets have perfect and imperfect set parts. Perfect and imperfect gear often drops in endgame content such as trials or arenas. The perfect and imperfect pieces are part of the same set but the perfect version has an extra stat. Often players in ESO overestimate the difference in power of the perfect vs imperfect versions, in reality the difference is negligilble because the power increase is often only around 1-2%.
Important to know is that the unique five piece bonus is the same on both ESO set versions. The perfect version of a set often only adds an extra stat (such as extra spell damage, weapon damage, max magicka, max stamina, penetration, recovery, critical). In the image below you can see the difference between the Perfected False God's Devotion and the normal False God's Devotion set is only the extra spell damage, everything else is the same.
Perfected and imperfected ESO sets gear can be mixed together. You will only get the stats of the imperfected (normal) version of the set. However, this is nice because you might already have some perfected gear, but not all of the needed parts. That way you can mix the sets together until you can replace the imperfect gear parts with the perfected version.
Now you know everything you need to know about sets in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).