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Enchanting Crafting Guide - Elder Scrolls Online


Enchanting Glyphs List

In this part of the Enchanting Guide you will find the full list of all the glyphs that currently exist in The Elder Scrolls Online.

  • Armor Glyphs
  • Weapon Glyphs
  • Jewelry Glyphs

Looking at an example, if you want to craft a maximum level health glyph.1. Repora Rune (Max Level Rune - Additive)2. Oko Essence Rune (Health Rune)3. Kuta Aspect Rune (Gold Quality Rune)Result: Repora + Oko + Kuta = Gold Quality Health Glyph

Armor Glyphs

Armor glyphs can be applied to your armor, there is a few different glyphs that you can use.

Name Effect What you need (Potency & Essence)
Glyph of Health Increases max health Additive Potency Rune + Oko
Glyph of Magicka Increases max magicka Additive Potency Rune + Makko
Glyphs of Stamina Increases max stamina Additive Potency Rune + Deni
Glyphs of Prismatic Defense Increases max health, magicka, stamina Additive Potency Rune + Hakeijo

Values of Armor Enchantments

The values that are listed here are for the max level 50 and 160 Champion Points gear on a golden quality glyph.Chest, Pants, Head (Big pieces)

  • Tri-Stat = 434 Magicka, 477 Health, 434 Stamina
  • Magicka = 868
  • Stamina = 868
  • Health = 954

Shoes, Shoulder, Hand, Belt (Small pieces)

  • Tri-Stat = 175 Magicka, 193 Health, 175 Stamina
  • Magicka = 351
  • Stamina = 351
  • Health =386

Weapon Glyphs

Weapon glyphs can be attached to your front or back bar weapons. Two handed weapons have twice the value compared to one handed weapons.

Name Effect What you need (Potency & Essence)
Glyph of Fire Deals fire damage Additive Potency Rune + Rakeipa
Glyph of Frost Deals cold damage Additive Potency Rune + Dekeipa
Glyph of Shock Deals shock damage Additive Potency Rune + Meip
Glyph of Poison Deals poison damage Additive Potency Rune + Kuoko
Glyph of Foulness Deals disease damage Additive Potency Rune + Haoko
Glyph of Decrease Health Deals unresistable damage Subtractive Potency Rune + Okoma
Glyph of Hardening Grants a point damage shield for 5 seconds Additive Potency Rune + Deteri
Glyph of Absorb Health Deals magic damage and restores health Subtractive Potency Rune + Oko
Glyph of Absorb Magicka Deals magic damage and restores magicka Subtractive Potency Rune + Makko
Glyph of Absorb Stamina Deals physical damage and restores stamina Subtractive Potency Rune + Deni
Glyph of Weapon Damage Increases your weapon/spell damage for 5 seconds Additive Potency Rune + Okori
Glyph of Weakening Reduces targets weapon damage for 5 seconds Subtractive Potency Rune Okori
Glyph of Crushing Reduces targets armor for 5 seconds Subtractive Potency Rune + Deteri
Glyph of Prismatic Onslaught Deals magic damage to undead and daedra Subtractive Potency Rune + Hakeijo

Jewelry Glyphs

Jewelry glyphs can be applied to your jewelry. You are allowed to have three times the same glyph on each jewelry piece.

Name Effects What you need (Potency & Essence)
Glyph of Increase Physical Harm Adds weapon damage Additive Potency Rune + Taderi
Glyph of Increase Magical Harm Adds spell damage Additive Potency Rune + Makderi
Glyph of Health Recovery Adds health recovery Additive Potency Rune + Okoma
Glyph of Magicka Recovery Adds magicka recovery Additive Potency Rune + Makkoma
Glyph of Stamina Recovery Adds stamina recovery Additive Potency Rune + Denima
Glyph of Reduce Spell Cost Reduces magicka cost of spells Subtractive Potency Rune + Makkoma
Glyph of Reduce Feat Cost Reduces stamina cost of abilities Subtractive Potency Rune + Denima
Glyph of Shielding Reduces cost of bash and blocking Subtractive Potency Rune + Kaderi
Glyph of Bashing Increases bash damage Additive Potency Rune + Kaderi
Glyph of Decrease Physical Harm Adds physical resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Taderi
Glyph of Decrease Spell Harm Adds spell resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Makderi
Glyph of Flame Resist Adds flame resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Rakeipa
Glyph of Frost Resist Adds cold resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Dakeipa
Glyph of Shock Resist Adds shock resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Meip
Glyph of Poison Resist Adds poison resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Kuoko
Glyph of Disease Resist Adds disease resistance Subtractive Potency Rune + Haoko
Glyph of Potion Resist Reduces the cooldown of potions by 5 seconds Subtractive Potency Rune + Oru
Glyph of Potion Boost Increases the duration of potion effects Additive Potency Rune + Oru
Glyph of Reduce Skill Cost Reduce Health, Magicka, And Stamina cost abilities by 133 Substractive Potency Rune + Idenko
Glyph of Prismatic Recovery Adds 84 Magicka, 84 Health & 84 Stamina Recovery Additive Potency Rune + Idenko



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