With Update 30, in mid June of 2021, ZOS added a new ESO Companion System. These are NPCs that will travel alongside the player and will be a companion that can tank, dps or heal.
In the Necrom Chapter in June 2023, Zenimax added two new companions to the game for owners of the new chapter. One of these new companions is Azandar Al-Cybiades.
Azandar is an Arcanist, meaning he possesses abilities similar to the new playable Arcanist class also added with Necrom, however the companion versions of abilities tend to differ a bit from the versions that players use. Azandar is a Redguard.
Azandar can help any player defeat more difficult enemies and especially newer players have an opportunity to pick up bigger challenges, without having to ask others.
Also, if the group is a player short, Azandar can replace a group member. Meaning if they want to go into a 4-player dungeon and they are only 3 people, someone can summon Azandar and the group will be full. Azandar won’t be able to do complex mechanics, though, so he might not always be favored over other players.
It is also not possible to summon Azandar while in combat, however you can unsummon him while in combat. He will not be able to be summoned in PvP instances, in single player arenas or in housing instances. Also, in instances where you can’t navigate to Azandar and talk to him, he will be briefly invisible, such as while swimming.
At this point in time you cannot romance Azandar.
Please note that some sections of this guide are still a Work in Progress, and will be updated closer to the Necrom release date.