West Weald is a place of great beauty and great danger, both as common as the fallen leaves of its autumnal forest. During this new Fallen Leaves of West Weald event, you can earn great rewards by participating in various activities within the Gold Road Chapter.
You need to own the Gold Road Chapter to be able participate in Fallen Leaves of West Weald event in ESO.
Global passive bonuses during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event in ESO
Many sources of coffers and loot has been doubled in the West Weald Zone during the event:
- Double loot from Public Dungeon Bosses, World Bosses and Delve Bosses.
- Double yield from harvesting nodes in West Weald (not including fishing holes).
- Double Coffers from the West Weald daily quests: Mirrormoor Incursion, Delve, World Boss and Lucent Citadel quests.
- Double Loot from bosses in Lucent Citadel and double coffers from its weekly Trial quest.
Community Challenge Bonus Rewards
- 33%— Vineyard Voriplasm pet
- 66% — Aether-Traveled Varla Stone memento
- 100%— Russet Brekka mount, Tree-Sap Legion arms pack, and six Nested Reward Boxes containing various in-game treasures
The rewards are now unlocked for all Gold Road Chapter owners and are claimable in the Crown Store until October 18. All Gold Road Chapter owners will be able to claim the bundle even they did not participate in the event.
How to Participate in Fallen Leaves of the West Weald Event
A new repeatable holiday quest "Fallen Leaves of West Weald" is available from Gandrinar, a Wood Elf researching Ayleids and their connection to Daedra for the book he is writing. He is found just outside of Skingrad, near the Impresario tent.
Completing his quest every day progresses the community challenge meter for extra rewards!
How to complete the ESO Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event Quest
- Pick up the West Weald Holiday Quest from the Crown Store, or from a notice board near any Impresario tent.
- Meet Gandrinar in the festival area in West Weald just outside of Skingrad and accepts his quest to find Ayleid Relics.
- The Ayleid relics drop from the same sources as the Event Coffers as long as you have picked up the holiday quest from Gandrinar or completed it once.
- Once you have collected 5 Ayleid Remnants, use them to create a Bundle of Ayleid Remants.
- Return the Bundle of Ayleid Remnants to Gandrinar.
- Gandrinar will have bonus dialogue after the first, third, fifth and tenth day of returning the quest.
Ayleid Remnants are not bound and you will be able to trade or sell them to other players.
How can I get Event Tickets in the Fallen Leaves of West Weald in ESO?
During the Fallen Leaves of West Weald event, you can earn up to two event tickets per day per account by completing a West Weald daily.
Available Dailies in West Weald:
- World Boss, Delve and Mirrormoor Incursion dailies
- Lucent Citadel trial weekly quest
- Event Daily Quest from Gandrinar
We also have a handy West Weald Dailies Guide for you to follow!
How do I get Fallen Leaves Coffers in ESO?
Completing a West Weald daily for the first time awards you with a golden quality "Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffer" that has a chance to contain rare rewards.
Purple quality "Fallen Leaves Coffers" have a guaranteed drop chance from West Weald Daily Quests. Purple coffers also have a chance to drop from resource nodes, chests, defeating monsters and justice activities like stealing and pickpocketing in West Weald.
What Rewards can I get from Fallen Leaves Coffers in ESO?
Golden Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffer
- NEW: Tree-Sap Legion outfit style pages once per day per account. If you've earned one of them, you will instead have a chance to get a Lucent Sentinel, West Weald Legion (Does not drop currently) or a Shardborn Motif.
- Motif pages and their Style Materials: Lucent Sentinel, West Weald Legion(Does not drop currently), Shardborn
- West Weald Furnishing and Furnishing Recipes
- West Weald Overland Item Sets
- Companion Gear (if you have a companion unlocked)
- Crafting Materials
- Treasure and Survey Maps
- Treasures
Purple Fallen Leaves Coffer
Same loot as the Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffer with a lower chance for the rarest rewards.
New Rewards in Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event
Tree-Sap Legion Outift Style
Tree-Sap Legion Outift Style pages drop from Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffers once a day per account during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event.
Tree-Sap Legion Weapon Styles will become available once the community has worked together to reach 100% on the Community challenge by completing the new event daily.
Anchorborn Welwa mount
The Fallen Leaves of West Weald event will present you with all three fragments for the new Anchorborn Welwa mount: Bizarre Daedric Meat, Fine Ebonsteel Chain and Strengthened Welwa Muzzle for 10 tickets each.
Impresario, Event Merchant and Indrik Vendor Wares
What does the Impresario sell during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event in ESO?
Impresario can be found in Daggerfall in Glenumbra, Vulkhel Guard in Auridon, Davon's Watch in Stonefalls, or Belkarth in Craglorn. She has also been added to all major Chapter zones capitals.
- All Fragments for the Molag Bal Illusion Imp - Anchor Chain Fragment, Dark Anchor Pinion, and Effigy of the Dominator 5 Event Tickets each.
- All Fragments for the Anchorborn Welwa mount: Bizarre Daedric Meat, Fine Ebonsteel Chain and Strengthened Welwa Muzzle 10 Event Tickets each
- Bound Style pages for the Tree-Sap Legion style - 5 Event Tickets each
- Group repair kits - 2 Event Tickets each
- Companion Commendations, which allow you to immediately rank up one of your companions in their Fighters Guild, Mages Guild or Undaunted Companion skill line - 3 Event Tickets each.
What does the Event Merchant's Assistant sell during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event in ESO?
Event Merchant's Assistant Philius Dormier is found at every Impresario Tent, even outside of active events.
- Hide Shoulders armor style: 5 Event Tickets
- Aurielic Quasigriff mount Fragments: 10 Event Tickets each.
- Aurora Firepot Spider pet instructions: 5 Event Tickets.
- Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet fragments: 5 Event Tickets each.
- Deadlands Firewalker personality fragments: 10 Event Tickets each.
What does the Indrik Vendor sell during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event in ESO?
Nenuluare, the Indrik Vendor, will also make an appearance in Belkarth, Craglorn. She'll be selling a few different Indriks, a special mount and pet that first appeared as an event reward in previous years.
During this event, Nenuluare will be selling the following items:
- All four feathers for the Nascent Indrik mount (must be owned before using berries to create a different Indrik mount): 5 Event Tickets each.
- All four berries for the Mossheart Indrik mount: 10 Event Tickets each.
- All four berries for the Onyx Indrik mount: 10 Event Tickets each.
- Ebon-Glow Indrik pet: 10 Event Tickets each.
- Sapling Indrik pet: 10 Event Tickets each.
Thank you for reading our ESO Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event Guide 2024, now go and enjoy the event!