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Duke of Crows Tales of Tribute Card Deck - ESO header

Duke of Crows Tales of Tribute Card Deck - ESO

Duke of Crows Tales of Tribute Card Deck - ESO

Tales of Tribute Patron
Duke of Crows icon

Duke of Crows

This patron has 13 unique cards.

Duke of Crows is a patron/deck in the Tales of Tribute card game in the Elder Scrolls Online.

Name: Duke of Crows
Amount of cards: 13
Location details: Obtained by completing the Tales of Tribute tutorial.
Duke of Crows Patron Deck Tips & Tricks for Tales of Tribute ESO
Today we are taking a look at how to play with the Duke of Crows Patron Deck in the Tales of Tribute card game in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).
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Every question about the Tales of Tribute card game in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) answered. Starter location, how to get new decks ....

Cards in the deck of Duke of Crows

Name Type Card cost Card activation effect Card combo effect
Blackfeather Brigand icon Blackfeather Brigand Agent 6 Gold Gain 1 Coin.
3: Draw 1 card.
Blackfeather Knave icon Blackfeather Knave Agent 6 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
3: Draw 1 card.
Blackfeather Knight icon Blackfeather Knight Agent 6 Gold Gain 1 Coin.
3: Gain 2 Coin.
3: Gain 2 Power.
Law of Sovereign Roost icon Law of Sovereign Roost Contract Action 4 Gold Draw 1 card.
3: Opponent discards 1 card from their hand at the start of their turn.
Murder of Crows icon Murder of Crows Action 4 Gold Gain 1 Coin.
2: Gain 2 Coin.
2: Gain 2 Power.
3: Gain 2 Power.
Peck icon Peck Action None Gain 1 Coin.
Pilfer icon Pilfer Action 6 Gold Draw 1 card.
3: Draw 1 card.
Plunder icon Plunder Action 6 Gold Draw 1 card.
3: Draw 1 card.
4: Draw 1 card.
Pool of Shadow icon Pool of Shadow Action 4 Gold Gain 2 Power.
2: Draw 1 card.
4: Gain 3 Coin.
Scratch icon Scratch Action 4 Gold Gain 1 Coin.
2: Gain 2 Coin.
2: Gain 2 Power.
Squawking Oratory icon Squawking Oratory Action 6 Gold Draw 1 card.
3: Draw 1 card.
4: Gain 4 Power.
Toll of Flesh icon Toll of Flesh Action 4 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
2: Draw 1 card.
Toll of Silver icon Toll of Silver Action 4 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
2: Draw 1 card.
3: Gain 1 Coin.

The Duke of Crow's cards focus on creating combos that let you draw more cards,” explains Irenio Calmon-Huang, one of the Senior Systems Designers behind Tales. “It benefits from going heavily into the suit, perhaps more than any other deck. If you can reach the tipping point you may find yourself drawing most of your deck in a single turn.”

When activating the Duke of Crows' Patron ability, you can gain a large amount of power quickly, but at a cost.

“The Duke of Crows, like his many subjects, adores shinies. He offers you power in exchange for Coin, while skimming a bit off the top. Unlike many other patrons, while he favors you, he will not offer you anything else. So, it is wise to save your use of the Duke for when you can really cash in your Coin for power or a patron victory.”

 - Report from Ulysa Rervam, Proctor of Daedric Studies 

"My quest for information led me to a pocket realm known only as the Crow's Wood. Its most notable inhabitants are a murder of intelligent, talking birds who consider the place to be their personal kingdom. The Duke of Crows, the proudest of the flock, presides over the rest. As he tells it, he's "the smartest and biggest and loudest" crow in the murder.

The rest of the flock clusters and conspires around the Duke, plotting and politicking for status and favor. Woe betide any who get between these ravens and their “shinies.”

Duke of Crows Deck Patron Tales of Tribute Card Game ESO

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