Duke of Crows
Murder of Crows
Card activation effectGain 1 Coin.
Card combo effect
2: Gain 2 Coin.
2: Gain 2 Power.
3: Gain 2 Power.
Murder of Crows is a card in the Tales of Tribute card game in the Elder Scrolls Online. It can be found in the Duke of Crows deck.
Name: Murder of Crows
Patron/Deck: Duke of Crows
Card type: Action
Card cost: 4 Gold
Pre-upgrade card: Scratch
Tales of Tribute clues can be obtained by opening Tales of Tribute rewards boxes. You get these boxes from playing Tales of Tribute matches. Tales of Tribute reward boxes have a small chance to drop clues.
After you have obtained the Tales of Tribute clue, you can go a find the corresponding card in the world.
Name: Murder of Crows
Patron/Deck: Duke of Crows
Card type: Action
Card cost: 4 Gold
Pre-upgrade card: Scratch
How to obtain Murder of Crows
Clue to obtain this card: Murder of Crows ClueTales of Tribute clues can be obtained by opening Tales of Tribute rewards boxes. You get these boxes from playing Tales of Tribute matches. Tales of Tribute reward boxes have a small chance to drop clues.
After you have obtained the Tales of Tribute clue, you can go a find the corresponding card in the world.