Level 50 - CP 160
Harpooner's Wading Kilt
(1 item) Dealing direct damage grants you a stack of Hunter's Focus for 20 seconds, up to 10 stacks max. You can only gain 1 stack of Hunter's Focus per second. Each stack of Hunter's Focus increases your Critical Chance by 110 and your Critical Damage by 1%. Taking direct damage removes 5 stacks of Hunter's Focus, up to once per second. Removing Harpooner's Wading Kilt removes all stacks of Hunter's Focus.
Medium Armor
Name: Harpooner's Wading KiltType: Mythic
DLC Requirement: Blackwood
Style: Unique
Harpooner's Wading Kilt is an armor set in the Elder Scrolls Online. It is part of the Blackwood DLC pack.
What do other players think of this armor set?
This armor set was discussed on Reddit. Learn what other players think about Harpooner's Wading Kilt.
This armor set was discussed on Reddit. Learn what other players think about Harpooner's Wading Kilt.
Leads for Harpooner's Wading Kilt
Lead | Dig zone | Drop zone | Location |
Bog-Blue Jasper Fetish Bog-Blue Jasper Fetish | Blackwood | Ruins of Mazzatun |
Ruins of Mazzatun Dungeon last boss
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Kothringi-Cut Leather Kothringi-Cut Leather | Blackwood | Blackwood |
World Bosses
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Silverweave Cord Silverweave Cord | Blackwood | Bal Foyen |
Covenant Enemies, most likely all enemies
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Tide-Glass Beads Tide-Glass Beads | Blackwood | Shadowfen |
All water and alchemy nodes
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Wolf-Tail Sash Wolf-Tail Sash | Blackwood | Murkmire |
Murkmire Foul Fishing Spots
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Frequently asked questions
Which DLC do I need to obtain Harpooner's Wading Kilt in ESO?
To obtain Harpooner's Wading Kilt you must own the Blackwood DLCVideos
The most powerful new Blackwood Mythic Set💎 - Harpooner's Wading Kilt Mythic Item ESO
Level 50 - CP 160
Belharza's Band
(1 item) Increase the damage of your Light Attacks by 900. When you deal damage with consecutive melee Light Attacks, gain a stack of Belharza's Temper for 10 seconds, up to 5 stacks max. At 5 stacks, consume Belharza's Temper and after 1 second, deal 1471 Physical Damage to enemies in a line and stun them for 3 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Level 50 - CP 160
Rourken Steamguards
(1 item) While Bracing, you gain Steam Guardian for 0.5 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 90%. This effect activates only upon the start of Bracing and can occur once every 10 seconds. Blocking any attack while Steam Guardian is active reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds, up to once per application of the effect.
Level 50 - CP 160
Dov-Rha Sabatons
(1 item) While Sprinting gain a stack of Draconic Scales every 0.5 seconds, granting you 660 Armor, up to 20 stacks max. Upon stopping you deal 0 Physical damage per stack in an 8 meter shockwave, gain a damage shield equal to damage dealt, and retain Draconic Scales for 10 seconds but cannot gain new stacks. At 20 stacks, this damage will also stun for 3 seconds. The damage scales off the higher of your Physical or Spell Resistance.