The New Life Festival is an annual event that comes to ESO in December. Players get various bonuses during the event and can earn festive rewards that are not available at other times of the year.
The Impresario has all of 2024's morphing collectible fragments for the Molag Bal Illusion Imp and its morphs: Planemeld's Master Body Art & Planemeld's Master Face Art, Master of Schemes Personality, Anchorborn Welwa Mount and Haven of the Five Companions House.
This is also your opportunity to obtain the last two fragments needed to create the Haven of the Five Companions House.
Below we will explain pretty much everything there is to know about this event, including how you can participate and what rewards you can earn.
New Life Festival event will run from December 19, 2024 at 10AM EDT, to January 7, 2025 at 10AM EST.
Global passive bonuses during the New Life Festival Event in ESO
- 100% more Experience passively. The Experience Buff stacks with Experience Scrolls and Ambrosias. You no longer need to use the Breda’s Bottomless Mead Mug for the Experience Buff.
You will find tips for extra Experience boost gear/traits further down the guide.
How to Participate in the New Life Festival Event
Before you start with the festival, you need to obtain the New Life Festival Scroll from the Crown Store The scroll is free, you don't have to spend any crowns or gold for it.
After you have accepted the quest you need to speak to Breda at the New Life Festival tent in Eastmarch. You are also able to travel to the tent and speak to Breda without picking up the quest from the Crown Store.
Location of the New Life Festival Event
You can find the New Life Festival Tent in Eastmarch, close to the Kynesgrove Wayshrine. There you can find Breda, who will give you quests for the festival. There are 10 different quests and they can all be done every day on as many characters as you would like.
If you are having trouble traveling to the New Life Festival Tent:
- You can teleport directly to the New Life festival tent via the "Gateway to the New Life Festival" portal found at all Impresario (Event Merchant) locations.
- You can also teleport directly to a friend or guildmate that’s already in the area.
How can I get Event Tickets in New Life Festival Event in ESO?
The first time you complete a New Life Festival quest each day, you’ll receive three event tickets in addition to your New Life Festival Box and other rewards.
You are able to earn up to 60 total event tickets during the New Life Festival meaning you can buy loads of Event Ticket rewards from the Impresario (listed further down).
How do I get New Life Festival Boxes?
Every time you complete a New Life Festival quest, you will earn a New Life Festival Box. There are a total of 10 quests you can complete every day. Each of the daily quests are themed to Tamriel's races and found in their respective zones:
- Castle Charm Challenge quest is found in the Alcaire Castle in Stormhaven. (Breton themed)
- Fish Boon Feast quest is found south of the Percolating Mire Wayshrine, Shadowfen (Argonian themed)
- Lava Foot Stomp quest is found in Davon's Watch, Stonefalls. (Dark Elf themed)
- Mud Ball Merriment quest is found in Skywatch, Auridon. (Wood Elf themed)
- Signal Fire Sprint quest is found in Bergama, Alik'r Desert. (Redguard themed)
- Snow Bear Plunge quest is found in Windhelm, Eastmarch. (Nord themed)
- Stonetooth Bash quest is found in Stonetooth Fortress, Bethnik. (Orc themed)
- The Trial of Five-Clawed Guile quest is found in Rawl'kha, Reaper's March. (Khajiit themed)
- War Orphan’s Sojourn quest is found in Temple of the Eight in Grahtwood. (High Elf themed)
- Old Life Remembrance quest is found in Auridon, Bangkorai, Reaper's March, Stonefalls, The Rift and/or Glenumbra depending on the quest you get. (Imperial themed)
What Rewards can I get from New Life Festival Coffers in ESO?
The New Life Festival Boxes can contain the following rewards:
- NEW: Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth Fragments for the New Life Winter Storm Robes Costume (requires 15)
- NEW: Surprising Snowglobe Memento
- Evergreen and Morningstar Frostwear Outfit Style pages
- Skinchanger motif pages and its style material Wolfsbane
- New Life Runeboxes: Nordic Bather's Towel Costume, Colovian Filigreed Hood Hat, Colovian Fur Hood Hat, Sword-Swallower's Blade, Juggler's Knives, Fire-Breather's Torches and Mud Ball Pouch Mementos.
- New Life-themed crafting ingredients
- Provisioning Recipes: Alcaire Festival Sword-Pie, Old Aldmeri Orphan Gruel, Snow Bear Glow-Wine, Bergama Warning Fire, Betnikh Twice-Spiked Ale, Jagga-Drenched "Mud Ball", Lava Foot Soup-and-Saltrice and Hissmir Fish-Eye Rye
- New Life Furnishing (full list at the bottom of the page)
- Imperial Charity and Deep Winter Writs
- New Life Festival Toys
New Rewards in the New Life Festival Event
Here you will find a list of all new rewards for this years event and the newest collectible you can get with Event Tickets.
New Life Winter Storm Robes Costume
Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth Fragments for the New Life Winter Storm Robes Costume have a chance to drop from New Life Festival Boxes during the New Life Festival. You can keep track of the amount of Fragments you've consumed by checking the A Warm Winter Storm achievement under Holiday-> New Life Festival in your Journal.
You can also buy the Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth Fragments from Impresario for 2 tickets each.
Surprising Snowglobe Memento
The Surprising Snowglobe memento has a chance to drop from New Life Festival Boxes during the New Life Festival. You can also buy the memento from Impresario for 5 tickets.
Haven of the Five Companions house
The New Life Festival will present you with all Five Fragments for the new Haven of the Five Companions House: Abnur Tharn's Key - Lyris Titanborn's Key, Varen Aquilarios's Key, NEW: Mannimarco's Master Key and Sai Sahan's Key : 10 Event Tickets each.
Achievements and other earnables you can get during the New Life Festival that you might not know know about
Below is a list of achievements that either award you with something upon completion or enables you to buy furnishing.
- A Warm Winter Storm achievement awards you with the New Life Winter Storm Robes Costume.
- Newly Charitable achievement awards you with the Crystalfrost Skin.
- Snow Bare Plunge achievement enables you to buy the New Life Celebrant's Standard furnishing.
- New Life Celebrant achievement awards you with a "New Life Cerulean Dye" and enables you to buy the New Life Bonfire furnishing.
- Glory of Magnus achievement awards you with the title "Magnanimous".
Limited time Crown Store items
Here we will list some Crown Store items you might not want to miss as they're only available during the New Life Festival for a limited time. Keep an eye out for the December Crown Store Showcase!
- Enchanted Snow Globe Home is available to purchase for 4,200 Crowns (Unfurnished) or 5,250 Crowns (Furnished). This miniature Snow Globe Home, built with experimental diminution magic borrowed from the Tribunal, is tiny on the outside but expansive on the inside. Its eternally-festive gentle snowfall makes it feel even more magical.
- Crown Crafting Motif 46: Frostcaster Style is available to purchase for 1,600 Crowns.
Imperial Charity and Deep Winter Writ rewards
When you open a New Life Festival Box, you can also receive one of these two different types of Charity Writs:
- Deep Winter Charity Writs — Complete to unlock pages from the Skaal Explorer outfit style.
- Imperial Charity Writs — Complete to unlock pages from the Rkindaleft Dwarven Weapon Style.
The writs are tradeable between players, so make sure to help your friends out if you have spare ones and they are still working on earning the Crystalfrost skin, spread the Christmas and New Life spirit!
How to Craft Furnishings & How to get the Furnishing plans?
The writs will ask you to craft very basic, cheap furnishings or level 1 provisioning recipes. The blueprints, patterns and schematics for those furnishings can be bought for 150-270 gold from Carpenters, Blacksmiths and Clothiers NPCs. Provisioning recipes can be bought for 270 gold from any Chef NPC most often found inside taverns.
Deep Winter Charity Writs ask for these crafts:
- Rough Crate, Bolted, Rough Stretcher, Military, Rough Box, Boarded, Rough Knife, Butcher, Breton Bed, Bunk, Common Candle, Set, Common Washtub, Empty, Common Table, Slanted, Stool, Carved, Common Basket, Tall, Common Platter, Serving, Rough Cup, Empty, Rough Bowl, Common, Rough Crate, Reinforced, Rough Container, Cargo or Rough Hatchet, Practical.
Imperial Charity Writs ask for these crafts:
Note that some of these furnishings can only be crafted if you have a certain level of the respective crafting skill line and have put skill points in the required passive. The maximum requirements are:
- Tailoring 4 (unlocked at Clothing Level 15)
- Woodworking 3 (Unlocked at Woodworking Level 10)
- Metalworking 2 (Unlocked at Blacksmithing Level 5)
If you are new to crafting, you can check out our Crafting guides here: Clothing Guide, Blacksmithing Guide, Woodworking Guide or Provisioning Guide.
Tips for extra Experience boost in ESO
- Crown Experience Scrolls 50%, 100%, 150%.
- Psijic Ambrosia 50%.
- Aetherial Ambrosia 100%.
- Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia 150%.
Gear and traits
- Armor Training Trait up to 11% per armor piece. (Extra xp only from kills.)
- Weapon Training Trait up to 4.5% for one-handed and 9% for two-handed. (Extra xp only from kills.)
- Mora's Whispers Set up to 15% based on how many Lorebooks your character has read. (Enable Lorebooks filter on our interactive map to see where they're located). (Extra xp only from kills.)
- Heartland Conqueror set boost your training weapon trait by 100% (up to for 9% XP Boost one-hand and 18% XP Boost for two-hand weapons). (Extra xp only from kills.)
Other XP boosts
- Rationer Champion Point adds 10 minutes to the duration of Ambrosias.
- Connoisseur Provisioning Passive adds 5/10/20 minutes duration to Ambrosias.
- Active ESO Plus Subscription: 10%.
- Grouped up with one player 10% (a group larger than two will decrease your XP gain).
- ESO Events that include a passive Experience Gain Boost.
- Pledge of Mara Ring adds 10% Experience Gain when worn and grouped up with the player the Ring of Mara is pledged on. (Bought from the Crown Store for 1000 Crowns).
- High Elf Race passive Highborn gives 1% bonus to Experience Gain.
Impresario, Event Merchant and Indrik Vendor Wares
What does the Impresario sell during the New Life Festival 2024 Event in ESO?
Impresario can be found in Daggerfall in Glenumbra, Vulkhel Guard in Auridon, Davon's Watch in Stonefalls, or Belkarth in Craglorn when ESO Events are active. She has also been added to all major Chapter zones capitals.
During the New Life Festival, Impresario offers all pet morphs that have been available this year and a Grab Bag which contains older rewards.
- All year: All Fragments for the Molag Bal Illusion Imp - Anchor Chain Fragment, Dark Anchor Pinion, and Effigy of the Dominator: 5 Event Tickets each.
- Q1 Planemeld's Master Body Art & Planemeld's Master Face Art Fragments: Crematory Ash, Incandescent Brimstone and Seething Censer: 10 Event Tickets each
- Q2 Master of Schemes Personality Fragments: Cold Iron Gauntlet, Grim Iron Mask and Tyrant's Soul Gem: 10 Event Tickets each
- Q3 Anchorborn Welwa Mount Fragments: Bizarre Daedric Meat, Fine Ebonsteel Chain and Strengthened Welwa Muzzle: 10 Event Tickets each
- Q4 All five Fragments for the Haven of the Five Companions House: Abnur Tharn's Key, Lyris Titanborn's Key, Varen Aquilarios's Key, NEW: Mannimarco's Master Key and Sai Sahan's Key: 10 Event Tickets each
- New Life Winter Storm Robes Fragments (Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth): 2 Event Tickets each
- Surprising Snowglobe Memento: 5 Event Tickets
- Impresario's Group Repair Kit: 2 Event Tickets each
- New Life Festival Grab Bag: 2 Event Tickets each
- Companion Commendations, which allow you to immediately rank up one of your companions in their Fighters Guild, Mages Guild or Undaunted Companion skill line: 3 Event Tickets each.
The New Life Festival Grab Bag in ESO can contain the following items that you don't already own:
- Mud Ball Pouch Memento
- Nordic Bather's Towel Costume
- Colovian Fur Hood Hat
- Colovian Filigreed Hood Hat
- Sword-Swallower's Blade Memento
- Juggler's Knives Memento
- Fire-Breather's Torches Memento
- Snowball Buddy Pet
- Powderwhite Coney Pet
- Nord Carved Armor Style Pages
What does the Event Merchant's Assistant sell during the New Life Festival 2024 Event in ESO?
- Hide Shoulders armor style: 5 Event Tickets
- Dagonic Quasigriff mount Fragments: 10 Event Tickets each
- Aurora Firepot Spider pet instructions: 5 Event Tickets
- Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet fragments: 5 Event Tickets each
- Daggerfall Paladin costume fragments: 10 Event Tickets each
- Unstable Morpholith pet fragments: 5 Event Tickets each
What does the Indrik Vendor sell during the New Life Festival 2024 Event in ESO?
Nenuluare, the Indrik Vendor, will also make an appearance in Belkarth, Craglorn. She'll be selling a few different Indriks, a special mount and pet that first appeared as an event reward in previous years.
During this event, Nenuluare will be selling the following items:
- All four feathers for the Nascent Indrik mount (always available and consumed to create the other Indriks): 5 Event Tickets each
- All four berries for the Crimson Indrik mount: 10 Event Tickets each
- All four berries for the Pure-Snow Indrik mount: 10 Event Tickets each
- Frost-Light Indrik pet: 10 Event Tickets
- Rosethorn Indrik pet: 10 Event Tickets
Full list of New Life Festival Furnishing
The following furnishing have a chance to drop from New Life Festival Boxes:
- Common Candle, Set
- Common Lantern, Stationary
- Dark Elf Candle, Claw Base
- Indoril Lantern, Hanging
- Nord Candleholder, Cup
- Orcish Brazier, Smoldering
- Redguard Candlestick, Practical
- Redguard Firepit, Stone
- Redguard Sconce, Polished
- Telvanni Candelabra, Organic
- Breton Chamberstick, Short
- Breton Chamberstick, Tall
- Breton Lightpost, Arched
- Breton Lightpost, Single
- Breton Sconce, Sturdy Torch
- Breton Sconce, Torch
- Breton Streetlight, Paired
- Candle, Group
- Common Campfire, Outdoor
- Common Candle, Set
- Common Candles, Pair
- Common Lantern, Hanging
- Daedric Brazier, Table
- Dark Elf Candelabra, Angled
- Dark Elf Lantern, Hanging
- Dark Elf Lantern, Oil
- Dark Elf Streetlamp, Stone
- Dark Elf Streetlamps, Stone
- Dres Candles, Meditation
- Dres Lamp, Portable
- Dres Lantern, Stationary
- Dwarven Candles, Cup
- Dwarven Candlestick, Laboratory
- High Elf Brazier, Winged
- High Elf Candle, Winged
- High Elf Lamppost, Spiked
- High Elf Lamppost, Stone
- Hlaalu Lantern, Oversized Vellum
- Indoril Brazier, Pedestal
- Indoril Candelabra, Shrine Chamber
- Indoril Candelabra, Temple
- Indoril Chandelier, Knotwork
- Indoril Lightpost, Stone
- Indoril Streetlight, Brick
- Indoril Streetlight, Stone
- Khajiit Brazier, Hanging
- Khajiit Candle, Clawfoot
- Khajiit Firepit, Brick
- Nord Lantern, Cage
- Nord Lantern, Hanging
- Nord Streetlamps, Stone
- Nord Torch, Triple
- Orcish Brazier, Pedestal
- Orcish Brazier, Smoldering
- Orcish Candle Sconce, Horn
- Orcish Chandelier, Practical
- Orcish Chandelier, Spiked
- Orcish Sconce, Bordered
- Redguard Brazier, Robust
- Redguard Candelabra, Practical
- Redguard Candleholder, Practical
- Redguard Candlestick, Polished
- Redguard Candlestick, Practical
- Redguard Sconce, Polished
- Redguard Streetlamp, Single
- Redguard Streetlamps, Full
- Witches Brazier, Primitive Log
Now you know everything about the New Life Festival in ESO. The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Zenimax Online Studios.