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Stone Garden - ESO header

Stone Garden - ESO

Stone Garden - ESO

To access this zone you must own the Stonethorn DLC.
This Dungeon is located in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns

Armor sets in Stone Garden

Arkasis's Genius icon
Arkasis's Genius
Arkasis's Genius
(2 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
(3 items) Adds 1487 Armor
(4 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
(5 items) Whenever you drink a potion while in combat, you and 3 group members gain 44 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 30 seconds.
Elemental Catalyst icon
Elemental Catalyst
Elemental Catalyst
(2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
(3 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
(4 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
(5 items) Whenever you deal Flame, Shock, or Frost Damage, you apply a stack of Flame, Shock, or Frost Weakness to the enemy for 3 seconds. Each stack of an Elemental Weakness increases their Critical Damage taken by 5%. An enemy can only have one stack of each Elemental Weakness at a time.
Kraglen's Howl icon
Kraglen's Howl
Kraglen's Howl
(2 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
(3 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
(4 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
(5 items) After an enemy you've recently damaged dies, you let out a howl, granting three allies within 15 meters the Heed the Call synergy. Activating the synergy gives you and the activator 12 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 20 seconds.
Stone Husk icon
Stone Husk
Monster Set
Stone Husk
Monster Set
(1 item) Adds 657 Critical Chance
(2 items) Your Heavy Attacks tether you to enemies for 5 seconds, as long as you remain within 10 meters of them. Enemies touching the tether take 212 Physical damage every 1 second and you gain a stack of Husk Drain, up to 15 stacks. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage. When the tether ends, you consume the stacks and gain 30 Weapon and Spell Damage per stack for 5 seconds.

Achievements in Stone Garden

Name Description
Big Bad Wolf icon

Big Bad Wolf

Deal 100,000,000 damage as a Werewolf Behemoth in Stone Garden.
Dig Deep icon

Dig Deep

Dislodge 50 Shock Emitters before they explode while fighting Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Stone Garden.
Expeditious Experimenter icon

Expeditious Experimenter

Defeat all encounters in addition to Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist within 25 minutes of entering Veteran Stone Garden. Your timer starts on engaging the first group of Stone Garden's defenders. Accessing the Vitalizer Control Rooms is not required.
Fulgurite Forger icon

Fulgurite Forger

Strike the Stone Behemoth with Arkasis's Lightning Generator 30 times in Veteran Stone Garden.
Hazardous Alchemy Style Master icon

Hazardous Alchemy Style Master

Learn every chapter in the Hazardous Alchemy style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing the Stone Garden Dungeon.
Maximum Tantrum icon

Maximum Tantrum

Defeat Exarch Kraglen after acquiring three or more stacks of Blood Rage and Fracture in Veteran Stone Garden.
Methodical Mixologist icon

Methodical Mixologist

Use Arkasis's alchemy equipment to gain the benefits of Alchemized Super Strength, Alchemized Super Vigor, and Alchemized Super Resilience and have all three active at the same time in Stone Garden.
Old Fashioned icon

Old Fashioned

Defeat Arkasis the Mad Alchemist after raising the challenge banner without deactivating the vitalizer flow controls or gaining the benefits of using Arkasis's alchemy equipment throughout the entire run of Veteran Stone Garden.
Restrained the Hounds icon

Restrained the Hounds

Defeat Exarch Kraglen after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Stone Garden.
Safety First! icon

Safety First!

Defeat all encounters in addition to Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden without suffering a group member death. Accessing the Vitalizer Control Rooms is not required.
Spore Stomper icon

Spore Stomper

Defeat Arkasis the Mad Alchemist after preventing the Stone Husks from releasing any Volatile Gloomspores in Veteran Stone Garden.
Still Needs Work icon

Still Needs Work

Defeat the Stone Behemoth after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Stone Garden.
Stone Garden Challenger icon

Stone Garden Challenger

Complete the listed achievements for Veteran Stone Garden.
Stone Garden Conqueror icon

Stone Garden Conqueror

Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden.
Stone Garden Vanquisher icon

Stone Garden Vanquisher

Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Stone Garden.
Stone Husk Slayer icon

Stone Husk Slayer

Defeat 50 Stone Husks in Veteran Stone Garden.
Stonethorn Delver icon

Stonethorn Delver

Complete both Stone Garden and Castle Thorn in Veteran.
Stonethorn Explorer icon

Stonethorn Explorer

Enter either Stone Garden or Castle Thorn for the first time.
Stonethorn Scout icon

Stonethorn Scout

Complete both Castle Thorn and Stone Garden in Normal.
Sycophant Slayer icon

Sycophant Slayer

Defeat 200 of Arkasis's humanoid followers in Veteran Stone Garden. This includes any Stone Garden Orderly, Lookout, Protector, Apprentice, Alchemist or Curator.
Triple Checked icon

Triple Checked

Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden after placing the challenge banner for each of them.
True Genius icon

True Genius

Defeat all encounters in addition to Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist after raising the challenge banner for each in Veteran Stone Garden within 25 minutes without suffering a group member death. Accessing the Vitalizer Control Rooms is not required.

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