Radiant Oppression
Cost: 2950 MagickaCast time: 1.8 second
Target: Enemy
Maximum range: 28 meters
Burn an enemy with a ray of holy fire, dealing 3219 Magic Damage over 1.8 seconds. Deals up to 500% more damage to enemies below 50% Health.
New effect
Increases the amount of bonus damage dealt to low health targets.
Name: Radiant Oppression
Found in: Templar > Dawn's Wrath
and Radiant Destruction Rank IV
Radiant Oppression is a skill in the Dawn's Wrath skill line under the Templar category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Status effects Champion Points that buff Radiant Oppression
Found in: Templar > Dawn's Wrath
and Radiant Destruction Rank IV
Radiant Oppression is a skill in the Dawn's Wrath skill line under the Templar category in ESO (the Elder Scrolls Online).
Status effects Champion Points that buff Radiant Oppression
- Backstabber (only while slotted)
- Deadly Aim (only while slotted)
- Fighting Finesse (only while slotted)
- Piercing
- Precision
- Thaumaturge (only while slotted)
- Untamed Aggression (only while slotted)
- War Mage
- Wrathful Strikes (only while slotted)