Sundering Torch
Cost: 2495 StaminaCast time: 2 seconds
Target: Cone
Radius: 8 meters
Conjure an imbued torch and sweep the area in front of you three times with its power.
This is a scribing skill
Name: Sundering Torch
Combination: Torchbearer and Physical Damage
Found in: Guild > Fighters Guild
This skill is part of the scribing system. It can be created when you combine the Torchbearer grimoire with the Physical Damage focus script.
Grimoires for this skill must be unlocked and bought from the Chronicler Firandil in The Scholarium.
Combination: Torchbearer and Physical Damage
Found in: Guild > Fighters Guild
This skill is part of the scribing system. It can be created when you combine the Torchbearer grimoire with the Physical Damage focus script.
Grimoires for this skill must be unlocked and bought from the Chronicler Firandil in The Scholarium.