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Alchemy Crafting for The Elder Scrolls Online


Alchemy Trait Discovery Guide

In this section of the Alchemy Guide you will learn how to discover all the traits of the reagents. At the start all your available reagents will have unknown effects. To discover the first effect you can eat each reagent once if you want. However, you can also follow the method below to unlock all the effects without wasting extra ingredients.

Unknown Effects Reagent
Unknown Effects Reagent

There are two achievements that you can unlock if you do trait discovery. This is not mandatory but it will make it easier for you to find the proper effects when you want to craft a potion or poison. Once you've obtained the achievement Toxicologist and Botanist, you will also get two dyes, Viridian Venom and Nirnroot Gray.

 Trait Discovery Achievements Alchemy
Trait Discovery Achievements Alchemy

Alchemy Discovery Method

Here is the list that you should follow, assuming you have no traits discovered yet. After crafting those combinations, you will know all the traits of the reagents for the achievements.

Craft the potion once, then move on to the next combination and so on till you are through the whole list. You can use potion or poison solvents to get through this list.

  1. Beetle Scutle & Mudcrab Chitin
  2. Beetle Scutle & Butterfly Wing
  3. Beetle Scutle & Violet Coprinus
  4. Blessed Thistle & Namira’s Rot
  5. Blue Entoloma & White Cap
  6. Blue Entoloma & Butterfly Wing
  7. Blue Entoloma & Nirnroot
  8. Bugloss & White Cap
  9. Columbine & Bugloss
  10. Columbine & Wormwood
  11. Columbine & Blessed Thistle
  12. Corn Flower & White Cap
  13. Corn Flower & Blessed Thistle
  14. Dragonthorn & Stinkhorn
  15. Dragonthorn & Blessed Thistle
  16. Dragonthorn & Water Hyacinth
  17. Emetic Russula & Water Hyacinth
  18. Emetic Russula & Violet Coprinus
  19. Emetic Russula & Luminous Russula
  20. Fleshfly Larva & Torchbug Thorax
  21. Fleshfly Larva & Scrib Jelly
  22. Fleshfly Larva & Imp Stool
  23. Fleshfly Larva & Nightshade
  24. Imp Stool & Mountain Flower
  25. Imp Stool & Nirnroot
  26. Lady’s Smock & Violet Coprinus
  27. Lady’s Smock & Corn Flower
  28. Lady’s Smock & Water Hyacinth
  29. Luminous Russula & Mountain Flower
  30. Luminous Russula & Spider Egg
  31. Mountain Flower & Blessed Thistle
  32. Mudcrab Chitin & Nightshade
  33. Mudcrab Chitin & White Cap
  34. Namira’s Rot & Wormwood
  35. Namira’s Rot & Water Hyacinth
  36. Nightshade & Nirnroot
  37. Nirnroot & Butterfly Wing
  38. Scrib Jelly & Spider Egg
  39. Scrib Jelly & Blessed Thistle
  40. Scrib Jelly & White Cap
  41. Wormwood & Spider Egg
  42. Spider Egg & Mudcrab
  43. Chitin Stinkhorn & Emetic Russula
  44. Torchbug Thorax & Wormwood
  45. Torchbug Thorax & Nirnroot
  46. Torchbug Thorax & Stinkhorn
  47. Water Hyacinth & Luminous Russula
  48. Wormwood & Water Hyacinth
  49. Butterfly Wing & Spider Egg
  50. Namira’s Rot & Nirnroot
  51. Spider Egg & Nirnroot

Sometimes an update (New DLC) can introduce new ingredients. Here we have 4 new ones:

  • Powdered Mother of Pearl
  • Clam Gall
  • Dragon’s Bile
  • Dragon’s Blood

If you want to discover the traits too you can follow this list:

  1. Clam Gall+ Fleshfly Larva
  2. Clam Gall + Spider Egg + Dragon’s Blood
  3. Clam Gall + White Cap
  4. Powdered Mother of Pearl + Scrib Jelly
  5. Powdered Mother of Pearl + Beetle Scuttle
  6. Dragon’s Bile, Dragon’s Blood + Spider Egg
  7. Blessed Thistle + Dragon’s Blood + Mudcrab Chitin
  8. Dragon’s Bile + Scrib Jelly + Dragon Rheum
  9. Imp Stool + Lady’s Smock + Dragon Rheum

You can easily prepare for the trait discovery, just get the amount of reagents needed that are listed below and then you are ready.

  • 4 Beetle Scuttle
  • 6 Blessed Thistle
  • 3 Blue Entoloma
  • 2 Bugloss
  • 3 Butterfly Wing
  • 3 Columbine
  • 3 Corn Flower
  • 3 Dragonthorn
  • 4 Emetic Russula
  • 5 Fleshfly Larva
  • 3 Imp Stool
  • 3 Lady’s Smock
  • 4 Luminous Russula
  • 3 Mountain Flower
  • 5 Mudcrab Chitin
  • 4 Namira’s Rot
  • 2 Nightshade
  • 7 Nirnroot
  • 6 Scrib Jelly
  • 7 Spider Egg
  • 3 Stinkhorn
  • 3 Torchbug Thorax
  • 3 Violet Coprinus
  • 5 Water Hyacinth
  • 5 White Cap
  • 4 Wormwood
  • 3 Clam Gall
  • 2 Powdered Mother of Pearl
  • 2 Dragon’s Bile
  • 2 Dragon’s Blood
  • 2 Dragon Rheum

Further New Ingredients

The ingredients below here are new and not yet implemented in the discovery list.

  • Chaurus Egg
  • Crimson Nirnroot
  • Vile Coagulant


Trait discovery makes sense when you have a dedicated crafter character to know what effects each reagent has, that way you won't get confused and you won't have to look up ingredients online when you want to try something new. It is also good if you want to get the achievements that are tied to trait discovery. However, other than that the trait discovery has no real use case, most players memorize the most important potions or poisons that they usually craft and that is usually enough.


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