Welcome to the Havocrel Spawn Location Guide for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). This guide will show you the spawn locations of the wandering bosses called "Havocrel" in the Deadlands zone, you need the Deadlands DLC to access this zone. Thanks to Santtutheman (PCEU) and Edenprime (PCEU) for the info on the spawn locations of the bosses.The three Havocrel Wandering Bosses in the Deadlands are called:
- Irncifel the Despoiler
- Vorsholazh the Anvil
- Kothan the Razorsworn
The ESO Deadlands Havocrel bosses randomly walk around in the Deadlands zone, therefore they might be hard to find. However, there are only 4 different spawn locations of the Deadlands Wandering Bosses, that means you could camp the spawn locations with your friends or with someone that is currently in your zone instance. The bosses will walk past the spawn locations anyway if they are just wandering around.Note: Only the top 12 players that dealt the most damage to the boss will get loot.Spawn timer: The bosses share the same spawn timer cooldown, that means every 10-15 minutes one of the havocrel bosses will spawn. If you just stay and camp at one of the spawn locations it could be that you wait for up to 1 hour or more (happened to us). It is important to also check the zone chat, sometimes players announce when a boss spawns, therefore it is recommended to unlock all wayshrines in the zone to teleport around fast.
Havocrel Spawn Locations - Deadlands Zone
ESO Havocrel Bosses - Wandering Bosses
Lets take a look at all the three different ESO Havocrel Wandering Bosses in the Deadlands zone.
Irncifel the Despoiler Havocrel
Irncifel the Despoiler is one of the chosen executioners of Mehrunes Dagon, patrolling the Deadlands in search of challenges to prove themselves to the Prince of Destruction. These dangerous enemies, designed to be fought with a group of players, are relentless in their pursuit across Mehrunes Dagon's domain.Appearance wise Irncifel the Despoiler and Vorsholazh the Anvil almost look identical, except that one wields a sword and one a mace.
Irncifel the Despoiler HavocrelYou can also find a video of the Irncifel the Despoiler havocrel boss here.
Vorsholazh the Anvil Havocrel
Vorsholazh the Anvil Havocrel is one of the three wandering bosses that can be found in the Deadlands zone in ESO. The wandering bosses are similar to world bosses, but slightly stronger. Vorsholazh the Anvil is one of the chosen executioners of Mehrunes Dagon, patrolling the Deadlands in search of challenges to prove themselves to the Prince of Destruction. These dangerous enemies, designed to be fought with a group of players, are relentless in their pursuit across Mehrunes Dagon's domain.Appearance wise Vorsholazh the Anvil and Irncifel the Despoiler almost look identical, except that one wields a mace and one a sword.
Irncifel the DespoilerYou can also find a video of the Vorsholazh the Anvil havocrel boss here.
Kothan the Razorsworn Havocrel
Kothan the Razorsworn Havocrel is one of the chosen executioners of Mehrunes Dagon, patrolling the Deadlands in search of challenges to prove themselves to the Prince of Destruction. These dangerous enemies, designed to be fought with a group of players, are relentless in their pursuit across Mehrunes Dagon's domain.
Kothan the RazorswornYou can also find a video of the Kothan the Razorsworn Havocrel boss here.
The reason why the bosses are so popular is because they drop an antiquity lead called Dagon's Scalding Gibbet lead which once excavated will award you with the furniture Dagon's Sclading Gibbet. The Dagon's Sclading Gibbet is a furniture in the category undercroft, torture.Now you know everything about the Havocrel Wandering Bosses in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). It might be a bit tough to find the wandering bosses at first because many players are trying to farm them and with the long spawn timer it could be that you don't find one within an hour. This is the end of the ESO Havocrel Spawn Location Guide.