Rally Tales of Tribute Card - ESO
Rally Tales of Tribute Card - ESO
Saint Pelin

Card activation effectGain 5 Power.
Card combo effect
2: Draw 1 card.
2: Gain 1 Power.
Rally is a card in the Tales of Tribute card game in the Elder Scrolls Online. It can be found in the Saint Pelin deck.
Name: Rally
Patron/Deck: Saint Pelin
Card type: Action
Card cost: 8 Gold
Name: Rally
Patron/Deck: Saint Pelin
Card type: Action
Card cost: 8 Gold
The Rally card is part of the Saint Pelin Patron Deck in the Tales of Tribute card game in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). It costs 7 Coins to acquire and therefore is a late game card. However, if you manage to get your hands on one you will gain 6 Power every time you play the card, if you manage to pull off a 2x combo you are also allowed to draw one additional card.