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Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu Tales of Tribute Card Deck - ESO header

Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu Tales of Tribute Card Deck - ESO

Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu Tales of Tribute Card Deck - ESO

Tales of Tribute Patron
Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu icon

Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu

This patron has 13 unique cards.

Gain Prestige equal to the card's cost minus 1.
Gain Prestige equal to the card's cost minus 1.
Gain Prestige equal to the card's cost minus 1.
Sacrifice 1 card from your played cards pile that cost 1 or more Coin
Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu is a patron/deck in the Tales of Tribute card game in the Elder Scrolls Online.

Name: Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
Amount of cards: 13
Location details: Obtained by completing the Tales of Tribute tutorial.
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Cards in the deck of Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu

Name Type Card cost Card activation effect Card combo effect
Currency Exchange icon Currency Exchange Action 7 Gold Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
Gain 5 Coin.
2: Call on 1 additional Patron this turn.
Customs Seizure icon Customs Seizure Action 4 Gold Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 6.
Ebony Mine icon Ebony Mine Contract Action 3 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
3: Gain 4 Coin.
Goods Shipment icon Goods Shipment Action None Gain 1 Coin.
Hireling icon Hireling Agent 6 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
2: Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 5.
Hlaalu Councilor icon Hlaalu Councilor Agent 10 Gold Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 9.
2: Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
Hlaalu Kinsman icon Hlaalu Kinsman Agent 10 Gold Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 9.
2: Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
Hostile Takeover icon Hostile Takeover Action 5 Gold Gain 1 Power.
2: Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 7.
House Embassy icon House Embassy Action 8 Gold Gain 7 Coin.
2: Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 7.
House Marketplace icon House Marketplace Action 8 Gold Gain 6 Coin.
2: Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 7.
Kwama Egg Mine icon Kwama Egg Mine Contract Action 3 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
3: Gain 3 Coin.
Luxury Exports icon Luxury Exports Action 2 Gold Gain 3 Coin.
Oathman icon Oathman Agent 6 Gold Gain 2 Coin.
2: Acquire up to 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 6.
“Like most of House Hlaalu, this grandmaster merchant's deck is centered around acquiring goods,” explains Irenio. “Generating lots of Coin or directly laying claim to cards from the Tavern are this deck's strengths.”

If you wish to activate the Grandmaster's Patron ability, the bigger the sacrifice, the bigger the rewards.

“Playing into the ability to generate lots of wealth and thus afford really expensive cards, Delmene Hlaalu allows you to trade cards gained from the Tavern for Prestige. This can be a direct strategy to victory if you're buying and gaining lots of cards early on, or it can be used to help you cross the line at the very end.”

After the Four-Score War, Northeastern Tamriel was a corpse bloating in the sun. Enter the Great Houses. Out at the front, swooping in to feast on the carcass, was House Hlaalu. Their leader was old man Delmene Hlaalu, who wrested power from the last house elder in a “bloodless” coup that still saw half a dozen fetchers thrown to the guar.

—Naryu Virian

Grandmaster Delmene Hlallu Deck Patron ESO Tales of Tribute

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