Level 50 - CP 160
Relics of the Rebellion
(2 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health(3 items) When you deal damage, you have a 5% chance to gain a damage shield that absorbs 3010 damage for 5 seconds
Frequently asked questions
Which DLC do I need to obtain Relics of the Rebellion in ESO?
Relics of the Rebellion is part of the base-game, you do not need any additional DLC packs to obtain itRelated
Level 50 - CP 160
Giant Spider
(1 item) Adds 4% Healing Taken(2 items) When you Block an enemy that is between 8 and 22 meters from you, you spin strands of spider silk to pull the enemy to you and taunt them for 15 seconds if they are not already taunted. This effect can occur once every 1 second.