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Oakensoul Ring Massively Nerfed on High Isle PTS

By Andrew | 3 May 2022 | Share
Oakensoul Ring Massively Nerfed on High Isle PTS

The latest version of the High Isle Public Test Server was made available to ESO players yesterday, along with the latest Patch Notes, and unfortunately there is some very bad news for one-bar build enthusiasts who were looking forward to using the new Mythic Item, Oakensoul Ring

Oakensoul Ring nerf in ESO High Isle

Before the nerf, the Oakensoul Ring prevented you from swapping bars, but gave very substantial buffs to you, including 450 weapon and spell damage, around 5000 armor, extra critical chance, a big chunk of regeneration, and max stats. However, with this nerf, the ring will still grant you the maxmimum stats, but the other effects are instead rolled into buffs, which are Major Courage, Major Savagery, Major Prophecy, Major Endurance, Major Fortitude, Major Intellect, and Major Resolve.

Oakensoul Ring was also good for Werewolves before the nerfOakensoul Ring was also good for Werewolves before the nerfSo what do these changes actually mean for the Oakensoul Ring, and is it still a powerful item?

Is the Oakensoul Ring still good?

So is the Oakensoul Ring still going to be a strong item in ESO High Isle? Well, the answer depends. We have to keep in mind that before the nerf, this Mythic item gave us unique buffs that were not affiliated with any minor or major buffs in the game, which meant that the effects could be stacked with those minor and major buffs. Now however, the original effects have been replaced with major buffs. So while the numbers are similar at first glance, you can no longer stack the effects of the ring with major buffs, which significantly limits the potential of the item in some situations. 

If you are playing solo or in a poorly optimised group where for example you do not have a healer running a set like Spell Power Cure for Major Courage, then you will still get a pretty good buff from wearing this ring. 

Solo players may still make decent use of the Oakensoul Ring after the nerfSolo players may still make decent use of the Oakensoul Ring after the nerfIf you are playing in an optimized dungeon or trial group however, you will now get much less benefit from wearing the ring. I was able to parse about 107k DPS before the nerf, and that has now dropped to around 93k after the nerf using basically the same build, making this nerf very significant indeed. If you're playing in an organized group then you will almost definitely be better off using a different mythic such as Harpooner's Wading Kilt or the new Mora's Whispers, and therefore it would seem that the dream of having one-bar builds almost on par with conventional ones in raids is pretty much dead.

We hope you enjoyed this article about the Oakensoul Ring mythic in ESO High Isle. ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) developed by Zenimax Online Studios.
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