Is the Sea-Serpent's Coil a Good Anti-Gank Mythic in ESO?
By Andrew | 23 May 2022 |
Sea-Serpent's Coil is a new Mythic Item coming to the Elder Scrolls Online with the High Isle Chapter next month. At first glance, the item seems to offer protection and buffs against gankers in PvP. Is this mythic actually any good for this purpose, and is there anything else that it's a good fit for?
What is the Sea-Serpent's Coil in ESO?
The Sea-Serpent's Coil is a mythic item that will be available for all players who own ESO High Isle. To collect it you need to have your Scrying and Excavation skills leveled to at least rank 7, which allows you to scry and dig for master level leads. If you're not sure how Antiquities work, then check out our Antiquities Guide to learn more.The Sea-Serpent's Coil seems like it is specially designed to make the wearer resistant to surprise attacks or "ganks", as it gives you a 40% damage resistance to the initial attack that you take when you are at full health. When you lose health, you lose that mitigation but then get a buff which grants you Major Berserk and Major Courage, substantially increasing your damage output for the next 10 seconds. You can then gain the buff again the next time you take damage while at full health.

What is the Sea-Serpent's Coil Good For?
It's debatable whether or not this actually makes for a good "anti-gank" Mythic item, purely because of the movement speed problem. People on gank builds tend to be very fast at moving around - they are running high damage, low armor set-ups so being able to move faster than other players is something that they depend on to stay alive. Sure, this mythic will improve your chances of surviving an initial attack, but then it will actually give you a harder time staying in touch with your assailant and applying pressure. Damage buffs aren't much good if you can't catch up to your opponent to actually use damaging abilities - especially if you are on a melee focused character. Perhaps you can make it work, but it's something to be aware of at least.
What is the Sea-Serpent's Coil Not Good For?
"Pretty much everything else" seems to be the answer to that question. Again, the movement speed penalty is a major drawback. If you're just questing or farming, you're probably going to get annoyed as you are slowed down every time you get attacked by any weak enemy. In most PvP situations you are again going to have enemies running circles around you because you're so slow, and in group PvE the movement speed is still an issue, but then you also get an additional issue - Neither of the buffs this Mythic item gives you are unique, so in PvE group play, there's a good chance that you will be getting these buffs from your team anyway.Major Courage is an extremely common buff for healers to apply to their team, using sets like Spell Power Cure or Vestment of Olorime. Major Berserk used to be quite rare, but this is no longer the case - you get it whenever you activate the synergy from an ally's Summon Storm Atronach ultimate, Nightblades get it from Reaper's Mark, and you can also get a reliable source of it yourself with a set like Kinras's Wrath or Heem-Jas' Retribution.

Do you agree with this analysis, or do you think we got it wrong? Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment on the article on the Dwemer Automaton Twitter page.
We hope you enjoyed this article about the Sea-Serpent's Coil in Elder Scrolls Online High Isle. ESO is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) developed by Zenimax Online Studios.

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