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Are ESO's New Monster Sets Any Good? Scribes of Fate Monster Helm Review

By Andrew | 31 Jan 2023 | Share
Are ESO's New Monster Sets Any Good? Scribes of Fate Monster Helm Review

Now that the upcoming ESO Scribes of Fate DLC is available on the Public Test Server, we've been able to check out the newest monster sets that will be making an appearance in the Elder Scrolls Online. 

In this article we'll provide you with a quick preview of how the new sets will work, and whether or not they're worth getting. 

So without further ado, let's take a look at the first of the two new monster sets. 

Ozezan the Inferno Monster Set in ESO

Ozezan the Inferno is the first of the two new monster sets. It is a support themed set that is built around protecting your allies. So how does it work?

Firstly, we get some extra Magicka Recovery for having the first piece slotted. If we have both pieces, then our healing abilities get augmented by an additional effect - healing yourself or an ally grants them Minor Vitality (an 8% buff to healing received), while overhealing them (healing them while they're at full health or for more than is required to get them up to full health) will instead grant 4,272 armor. This amount of armour translates to about 6.5% damage mitigation. The effect only lasts for 1 second, however it has no cooldown which allows you to potentially get a 100% uptime of the effect. 

The great thing about this is that the Armor buff is not named, meaning it can be stacked with any other armor buffs in the game, such as Major Resolve. In short, the effect will never be wasted unless the target is already at the armour cap - unlikely in most cases. 

Ozezan the Inferno Monster Set in ESO
Ozezan the Inferno Monster Set in ESO

This seems like a set that will actually have a pretty wide range of applications for support players in ESO. You could use it on a PvP healer to give your group an extra advantage against other groups.

You could definitely use it in PvE as well, particularly if you're trying to get your group through an especially difficult encounter where players are taking a lot of damage and you're struggling to keep them alive. Something like the execute phase of Falgravn Hardmode comes to mind - the whole group takes a large amount of damage here, and it can really become a problem if you don't have two very skilled healers and high group DPS output. Previously you could use something like Grave Guardian on the tank to protect the group here, but this seems to be a more efficient option as it only takes up two set slots rather than five. You could of course use both if you really wanted, but that might be overkill. 

Ozezan the Inferno definitely fits most naturally on a healer build, but it's possible that skilled off-tanks will also make good use of it, depending on the situation. 

So to answer the question of whether or not you should get this set when it comes out, I'd say absolutely yes if you're doing healing in Veteran content or PvP. It simply gives you another way in which you can help out your team, if the situation requires it, and that's always a good thing for any support player to have at their disposal. 

With that, let's move onto the other new set in Scribes of Fate

Roksa the Warped Monster Set in ESO

The second new monster set in Scribes of Fate is Roksa the Warped. This is a set focused entirely on giving the wearer more sustain during combat. 

Wearing the first piece will give you 70 extra health, magicka and stamina recovery at all times. Wearing both pieces will cause you to gain stacks of Darklight while in combat, one stack per second. Each stack gives you 8 Magicka, Stamina and Health recovery. You can have up to 30 stacks of this, and each second you are out of combat will remove a stack. 

In total, this set gives you a maximum of 310 recovery for each attribute while at 30 stacks of Darklight, which basically translates to 155 of each resource recovered per second.

You also get a cool little green glow on your character when the set is active, which gets brighter if you have the maximum number of Darklight stacks. 

Roksa the Warped Monster Set in ESO
Roksa the Warped Monster Set in ESO

This isn't a terrible sustain buff - if you're fairly new to the game or only play at a fairly casual level, and you struggle with your sustain sometimes, then this set could be quite useful for you. 

For optimized play though this is simply a bad set, giving no direct DPS boost, no buffs to allies and no debuffs to enemies, so I don't think anyone will be getting excited about it. 

So should you get Roksa the Warped? I'd say it's certainly useful for newer players, but as you get better at ESO and more adept at managing your resources and playing with lower recovery stats, you can definitely phase this set out if you do decide to start using it in the first place. If you're already at that level, you can safely give this one a miss. 

We hope you enjoyed this article about Scribes of Fate Monster Sets in ESO. The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Zenimax Online Studios. 

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