Welcome to the How to get to Artaeum Guide for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)! Not everyone knows how to get to Artaeum and the game doesn't really tell you. A friend may want to help you and tell you that you can teleport on them, but, unfortunately, that won't help. You need to unlock it first, even if you already own the Summerset DLC or if you have ESO Plus.In order to unlock Artaeum in ESO, you need to go to your Collections tab, then Stories, then select "Summerset" from ZONE DLC and accept the quest.
In order to get to Artaeum, all you need to do now is teleport to Summerset and follow the questline that starts outside of Shimmerene. Razum'dar will be waiting at an intersection and will help you in continuing your quest.
After you have talked to Razum'dar you will have to follow the questline for quite a while. It will take you into the surroundings of Shimmerene and into Shimmerene itself. At one point you will have to talk to Valsirenn and follow her.
You will then have to walk her through a dungeon and end up outside, where after doing some other things she will finally invite you to Artaeum, which is where you can either continue in the main quest or do whatever made you go to Artaeum in the first place.The whole process takes about 30-60 minutes as you have to go through quite a bit of questing before you can reach Artaeum.
You can also watch Alcast go through the whole process of unlocking Artaeum:
We hope you enjoyed the How to get to Artaeum Guide for ESO (Elder Scrolls Online).