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Clothing Crafting Guide - Elder Scrolls Online


What is Clothing Crafting?

The main goal of Clothing in The Elder Scrolls Online is to craft light and medium armor. For that you need clothing specific materials that you can farm in the open world.

Clothing Bench
Clothing Bench

What does a Clothier do?

A Clothier searches the land for plants that can be used to create cloth, and the hides of creatures that can be used to create leather. Clothiers use these materials at Clothier Stations. One of the many tannin tables found in cities and towns throughout Tamriel. Here they can refine their raw resources, improve existing items, research various traits, and deconstruct armor they have found throughout their journeys.

Skilled Clothiers are always seeking to learn new techniques to better their skills at the tannin table. Finding special crafting books is the key to learning new racial styles, and researching traits allows for the creation of higher quality clothing and armor.

How do I recognize raw resources?

Here you can see a character pick up a raw Ancestor Silk resource. Resources can be hard to spot, you could turn of the setting "gras" in the options to easier spot these resources or also put points into the passive [Keen Eye: Cloth] to better spot the resources, because with that passive they glow when you get close!

Ancestor Silk Resource
Ancestor Silk Resource

Refine Material Process

By refining a Raw Ancestor Silk you will get Ancestor Silk that you can use to create Champion Points 150-160 gear.

Refine Process
Refine Process

The following resources for Clothing Crafting currently exist:

Level Material Light Material Medium Material
1-14 Jute Rawhide
16-24 Flax Hide
26-34 Cotton Leather
34-44 Sipdersilk Thick Leather
46-50 Ebonthread Topgrain Hide
Champion Points 10-30 Famin Fell Hide
Champion Points 40 - 60 Ironthread Ironhide
Champion Points 70-80 Silverweave Scaled Hide
Champion Points 90-140 Void Cloth Daedra Hide
Champion Points 150-160 Ancestor Silk Rubedo Leather

Creation Process

The creation process works similar, in our example here we want to craft an Ancestor Silk Jerkin with a sturdy trait and Moongrave Fane style.

Creation Process
Creation Process

You can craft the following things at the Clothing Crafting station:

Light Armor

  • Robe
  • Shirt
  • Shoes
  • Gloves
  • Hat
  • Breeches
  • Epaulets
  • Sash

Medium Armor

  • Jack
  • Boots
  • Bracers
  • Helmet
  • Guards
  • Arm Cops
  • Belt

Deconstruct Process

Deconstruct Process
Deconstruct Process

Improvement Process

You can also improve the quality of your gear. You always start out with the normal white quality. There are a few more:

Quality Color Item
Normal White Base
Fine Green Hemming
Superior Blue Embroidery
Epic Purple Elegant Lining
Legendary Gold Dreugh Wax
Improvement Process
Improvement Process

Research Process

To be able to craft light and medium armor with certain traits, you need to research them first! The first few traits that you research won't take long. However, the further down the list you go, the longer it will take. As a new player it is especially important to research traits all the time.Trait Research Time:

  • 1st Trait: 6 hours
  • 2nd Trait: 12 hours
  • 3rd Trait: 24 hours
  • 4th Trait: 48 hours
  • 5th Trait: 96 hours (4 days)
  • 6th Trait: 192 hours (8 days)
  • 7th Trait: 384 hours (16 days)
  • 8th Trait: 768 hours (32 days)
  • 9th Trait: 1536 hours (64 days)

Patterns Furnishing

The Clothing Table is also used to craft certain furnishings. The tab is called "Patterns".

Pattern Furnishings
Pattern Furnishings

Crafting a furnishing functions the same as when you craft an item. You need to make sure to have the right materials, if that is the case you can craft the furnishing. In this example here we crafted the Breton Bed, Bunk. Once we crafted the item we can then place it in our home.

Breton Bed, Bunk Furnishing
Breton Bed, Bunk Furnishing

Conclusion Clothing Crafting Guide

Clothing is an important tool in ESO to create powerful light and medium armor and even more important, upgrade the quality and strength of your items. This guide explained the basics, next we are going to look at more specific details.



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