Whorls of the Dark Dream Visage - ESO
Whorls of the Dark Dream Visage - ESO

Whorls of the Dark Dream Visage
Type Head Markings
"I saw the woman with the glowing lavender tattoos again. She wasn't smiling, so I asked her to. At first, she stared. A dreadful stare. Then she smiled. I only just now woke from the ghastliest nightmares I've ever experienced."—Relur Uveran's Journal
Acquired by completing the achievement "Tenacious Dreamer."
Name: Whorls of the Dark Dream Visage
Found in: Appearance > Head Markings
This collectible is awarded for completing the following achievement:
Found in: Appearance > Head Markings
This collectible is awarded for completing the following achievement:

Tenacious Dreamer
Character title: Tenacious Dreamer
Defeat Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Sanity's Edge in one run.
Character title: Tenacious Dreamer
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