ESO Megaservers have been restored from the December 12 datacenter power failure and ZOS has let us know what compensation they have decided to give us. Both NA and EU servers had some hiccups earlier, but those have also been fixed.
Huge thank you to all the employees that worked tirelessly to restore our beloved ESO megaservers and thank you for keeping the community informed throughout the process!
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What compensation are we getting?
ZOS_Kevin has informed us on the ESO Forums that we will be getting several compensations for the outage. First: the ESO Plus Free Trial is extended to December 20. Second: 1000 Seals of Endeavor is added as the first Login Reward of January. Lastly: the second Login Reward of January will be 5 x 150% Grand Gold Coast Experience Scrolls. Note that you will need to login for two days during January to claim the rewards.
You can keep track of Endeavors on our ESO Daily and Weekly Endeavors page and Login Rewards on the ESO Daily Login Rewards page. Additionally you can get notified on Discord and Telegram by using our handy Dwemer Automaton Bot. You can subscribe to Endeavors, Daily Login Rewards, Weekly Vendors and more!
List of Compensation Rewards
- ESO Plus Free Trial is extended by one day (until December 20)
- 1000 Seals of Endeavor (First Login Reward in January)
- 5 x 150% Grand Gold Coast Experience Scrolls. (Second Login Reward in January)
What players lost was one day of ESO Plus Free Trial, one login reward and a possible 45 Seals of Endeavor from the Daily Endeavors meaning we are getting much more than we would have otherwise.
You can read the recap of December 12 Server issues here: ESO Servers Down for at least 12 hours, Crown Store locked. What happened?
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