Update 45 improves how the ESO Map works, making it less overwhelming to use. This is only the first batch of quality-of-life improvements as more have been planned. In this article we will show comparisons between the Tamriel Map on live servers and the U45 Public Test Server.
Mouse and keyboard players can rejoice as we can finally click on a Galen Wayshrine from the Tamriel map!
ESO Fallen Banners DLC and the Update 45 Base Game Update launches on March 10th on PC and March 25th on Consoles.
Have you checked out our Interactive map which shows locations for Lorebooks, Surveys, Achievements and much more! You can even ping locations to share with your friends.
What has changed in the ESO Map in Update 45
When you open your map, the first improvement you will notice is, that the map looks cleaner as most of the filters are off and it isn't filled with all the Wayshrines, dungeons and trials. The ESO Tamriel Map only shows the Wayshrine closest to the zone quest, the nearest city or quest hub. Individual Zone maps will look the same.
All the map filters are showcased further down the article. The character used for these screenshots has completed all content and unlocked all Wayshrines.
Zone names have been added to the Tamriel Map
If you are one of those people that forget zone names easily and hate clicking through all zones, you will absolutely love this next improvement coming in ESO Update 45! When you zoom in a little on the Tamriel Map, the zone names start appearing, making it much easier to find where you're going.
Previously it was easier to click on a zone name under the "locations" filter on the right instead of trying to find the correct zone (and Wayshrine) on the map.
New Map Filters in ESO Update 45
The "Wayshrines" filter has been divided to several new categories meaning you will be able to turn your preferred icons on and off more easily. The Trial and Dungeon & Arena filters will show all instances whether you've completed them or not.
By default, only the Wayshrines category is chosen, but the following filters can be turned on:
- Wayshrines
- Dungeons & Arenas
- Trials
- Houses
- Group Members
Easier porting to your favorite houses
Owning a lot of houses has never been more handy as you can now choose which houses show up on your Tamriel map in ESO. After Update 45 only your chosen Primary Residence will show up on the map, but you can go into your collections, add favorite houses and they will all be shown on the map. Unowned houses do not show up on the Tamriel map at all, but still show up normally on zone specific maps after your character has read the "Anthology of Abodes Available for Acquisition" (acquired from the free inn room quest).
Did you know you can use other players homes as "Wayshrines"? You probably know you can port outside of your own houses, but did you know you can use the Home Tours feature to port to other players homes, exit through the door and you will be in that zones location. This is especially handy for new characters without Wayshrines.
The Aurbis Map now shows your active quest location
Finding quest locations can sometimes be a bit confusing in ESO especially when the marker points to a cart/boat that may or may not take you to your quests location. In Update 45, both the Aurbis and the Tamriel maps show your quest location meaning you just need to click towards it and you'll easily find where you need to go next.
Group members will also be shown on both the Aurbis and Tamriel maps, making it much easier to find your friends.
New Color Picker Setting for Custom Waypoints
Adding a Custom Waypoint helps you while navigating, and now you can change its default color. The cyan color is sometimes difficult to distinguish so it is nice to see more Accessibility settings for UI customization.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article! You can read more news in the ESO-Hub News section.