There are two possibilities to obtain your first house, you can either complete the quest “A friend in Need”, once completed you will get a free room in an inn that you can use and teleport to. The second way would be to simply purchase a home from the crown store, that way you won't spend any ingame resources. When you teleport to the house in question, you can choose from Purchase options to either buy it with crowns or with gold.
A Friend in Need Quest
"A Friend in Need" is a quest that you can start to get your first free house/room. The start of the quest location depends on what alliance you are in:
- Aldmeri Dominion: Auridon, Vulkhel Guard, in the Vulkhel Guard Manor & Treasury
- Daggerfall Covenant: Glenumbra, Daggerfall, in the Bank of Daggerfall
- Ebonheart Pact: Stonefalls, Davon's Watch, in the Uveran Bank
You can obtain all three different rooms, but you need to create a character for each alliance to do the quest with. Once you own the room, you can travel to it with any character. Once you claimed the room, it is truly yours, you don’t have to pay any fee whatsoever, so you can do with it what you want! You can get furniture either from the crown store or from the game itself through achievements, furniture vendors, antiquities or from simply looting chests, urns and more!