Discover all of the striking locales in the Imperial Sewers.
Alik'ri Alcove
Drain-Dweller's Outpost
Inquisitor's Retreat
Bloodmist Slaughterhouse
Headsman's Bonepile
Unfinished Memoirs
Imperial City
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Frequently asked questions
Where can I buy Imperial Banner in ESO?
Imperial Banner can be bought from the following vendors: Athrahgor in Auridon, Cyrodiil, Gold Coast, Grahtwood, Greenshade, Imperial City, Imperial Sewers, Khenarthi's Roost, Malabal Tor and Reaper's March for 15000 Tel var stones. Listens-to-Sea in Bal Foyen, Cyrodiil, Deshaan, Eastmarch, Hew's Bane, Imperial City, Imperial Sewers, Shadowfen, Stonefalls and The Rift for 15000 Tel var stones