Find all the Skyshards located throughout Tamriel.
Stros M'Kai Skyshard Hunter
Betnikh Skyshard Hunter
Glenumbra Skyshard Hunter
Stormhaven Skyshard Hunter
Rivenspire Skyshard Hunter
Alik'r Desert Skyshard Hunter
Bangkorai Skyshard Hunter
Bleakrock Skyshard Hunter
Bal Foyen Skyshard Hunter
Stonefalls Skyshard Hunter
Deshaan Skyshard Hunter
Shadowfen Skyshard Hunter
Eastmarch Skyshard Hunter
The Rift Skyshard Hunter
Khenarthi's Roost Skyshard Hunter
Auridon Skyshard Hunter
Grahtwood Skyshard Hunter
Greenshade Skyshard Hunter
Malabal Tor Skyshard Hunter
Reaper's March Skyshard Hunter
Coldharbour Skyshard Hunter
Cyrodiil: Covenant Territory Skyshards
Cyrodiil: Pact Territory Skyshard Hunter
Cyrodiil: Aldmeri Territory Skyshard Hunter
Images of Decorative Skyshard
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Frequently asked questions
Where can I buy Decorative Skyshard in ESO?
Decorative Skyshard can be bought from the following vendors: Narwaawende in Deshaan, Grahtwood, Stormhaven and Vvardenfell for 25000 Gold. Nolenowen in Summerset for 25000 Gold