The Explorer's Celebration, a limited-time event, grants you additional rewards for the following in-game activities:
- Double drops from harvest nodes (Fishing excluded)
- Double Experience gains from every source (100% experience boost)This stacks with other XP boosts such as scrolls or group multipliers
- Double gold earned from monster kills, quest rewards, and similar sources
Double Drops from Harvest Nodes
Harvest nodes for crafting materials (ore veins, wood, runestones, clothing and alchemy plants, pure water) will provide you with double their usual yield during the Explorer's Celebration. This bonus will not apply to fishing or looted provisioning items.
Double Experience Gains
During the Explorer's Celebration Event in ESO, you will get double XP gain from all sources, including monster kills, completed quests, PvP and random dungeon clears.
This bonus will stack with other effects that improve your XP gains, such as XP scrolls and Psijic Ambrosia. This means that this is a great time to level up a new character or a skill line. Here are five great places to grind XP that you might not have heard of.
Double Gold Gain
During this event, you will also earn double gold from some sources, such as quest rewards and loot from defeated enemies.
Tips for making the most out of extra Gold Gain
Do all of your basic Daily Crafting Writs with all of your characters. You will get the maximum amount of gold (10,150) if do your Writs with a maximum level character with all crafting skill lines first passives unlocked (as an example 10/10 in the Metalworking Passive). The crafting materials can also be sold to other players for moderate to high prices.
- Gilded Fingers Champion Point Passive increases gold gain by up to 10%
- Imperial Diplomat Race Passive gives you 1% more gold on all loot sources.
Tips for extra Experience boost in ESO
- Crown Experience Scrolls 50%, 100%, 150%.
- Psijic Ambrosia 50%.
- Aetherial Ambrosia 100%.
- Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia 150%.
Gear and traits
- Armor Training Trait up to 11% per armor piece. (Extra xp only from kills.)
- Weapon Training Trait up to 4.5% for one-handed and 9% for two-handed. (Extra xp only from kills.)
- Mora's Whispers Set up to 15% based on how many Lorebooks your character has read. (Enable Lorebooks filter on our interactive map to see where they're located). (Extra xp only from kills.)
- Heartland Conqueror set boost your training weapon trait by 100% (up to for 9% XP Boost one-hand and 18% XP Boost for two-hand weapons). (Extra xp only from kills.)
Other XP boosts
- Rationer Champion Point adds 10 minutes to the duration of Ambrosias.
- Connoisseur Provisioning Passive adds 5/10/20 minutes duration to Ambrosias.
- Active ESO Plus Subscription: 10%.
- Grouped up with one player 10% (a group larger than two will decrease your XP gain).
- ESO Events that include a passive Experience Gain Boost.
- Pledge of Mara Ring adds 10% Experience Gain when worn and grouped up with the player the Ring of Mara is pledged on. (Bought from the Crown Store for 1000 Crowns).
- High Elf Race passive Highborn gives 1% bonus to Experience Gain.
Do I Need to do Anything to Get These Bonuses?
No! These bonuses are available to all players in any zone in Tamriel, and there is no introductory quest that needs to be completed to unlock them.
You can find a list of all zones here. It might be a good idea to combine the event with a set you would like to obtain in a certain zone or achievements you would like to get. Especially if they are connected to gathering resources or killing a specific amount of monsters. This way you will also receive a lot more EXP than without a double EXP event.
Is The Impresario Active during the Explorer's Celebration?
No. This is technically a "mini event", meaning there are no quests associated with the event, no way to earn Event Tickets and the Impresario and Indrik Vendors will not be active. Achievements, or collectibles associated with it.
Don’t miss out on your chance to get extra experience, gold, and resource node drops during The ESO Explorer's Celebration Event - Good Luck!