Rivenspire Skyshard Hunter
Find all 16 Skyshards in Rivenspire.
- Just outside Shornhelm's gate.
- Honoring the dead in Eyebright's west.
- Crumbled tower, Crestshade's welcome.
- Wolves howl at the Hoarfrost nearby.
- Cresting the wood of words.
- In the eye of the Point.
- Skittered over in the pass.
- Follow the song to the Landing.
- Ditched outside of Lorkrata.
- In the tunnels under Crestshade.
- Seek worms that burrow for a tear.
- Among Flyleaf's unearthed dead.
- Secret in the blood-suckers' hideaway.
- Look upon the Orsimer's hand.
- Conquer the crypt of trials.
- Stolen by worshipers of Ashpit's Lord.