Glenumbra Skyshard Hunter
Find all 16 Skyshards in Glenumbra.
- Guarding Daggerfall's eastern gates.
- Before Dresan's headless sentinel.
- Search among the shrieks.
- Westtry's dead slept underneath.
- Far behind the Elf-haters' lines.
- Beneath a Hag's footbridge.
- Where vines strangle the sleeping dead.
- Close to finding the kings.
- A climb above Crosswych.
- A tower explored is Ilessen learned.
- Near Silumm's well on Daggerfall shores.
- Within a mine of blood and thorns.
- Behind a wall to Enduum all.
- Where Ebon Crypts become Ebon Caves.
- In the bowels of Cryptwatch.
- In the roots of the Hallows.