Slight Glyph of Increase Magical Harm is an enchanting glyph in The Elder Scrolls Online. It can be used to add a Spell Damage Enchantment.
Name | Level | Potency rune | Essence rune | Aspect rune |
Slight Glyph of Increase Magical Harm Adds 22 Spell Damage. |
Lvl 15+ | Jejora | Makderi |
Ta |
Slight Glyph of Increase Magical Harm Adds 23 Spell Damage. |
Lvl 15+ | Jejora | Makderi |
Jejota |
Slight Glyph of Increase Magical Harm Adds 25 Spell Damage. |
Lvl 15+ | Jejora | Makderi |
Denata |
Slight Glyph of Increase Magical Harm Adds 27 Spell Damage. |
Lvl 15+ | Jejora | Makderi |
Rekuta |
Slight Glyph of Increase Magical Harm Adds 29 Spell Damage. |
Lvl 15+ | Jejora | Makderi |
Kuta |