When Mike Finnigan showcased the two new houses during the January 9th Update 45 preview stream, we noticed something that wasn't mentioned on the stream, but is huge for the ESO Housing community.
Looking at the housing collections menu during the stream, you are able to see that there is a new category in the housing description called "Supports Weather Control". This is something the ESO Housing community has been asking since housing was introduced to the game. We have been able to change the time of day for some time now, but have been missing the ability to choose the weather.
Be sure to check out our ESO Furniture Catalogue that has all furnishing items listed. You can help other players locate the furnishing by adding location information and even upload your own furnishing pictures! We also have an overview page of all things housing on the ESO Housing Library.
What does Weather Control in ESO mean?
Currently there is no way to change the weather in game or inside houses meaning you will just have to accept the current weather as is. Sometimes you just want to have a nice sunny day for your beach, but other times you might want some moody rain or thunder for your more sinister builds and it seems in Update 45 you can!
We do not yet know if the ESO Weather Control is automatically available in applicable houses as an option, or if you need an item for it similarly to the Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh. It also seems the ESO Weather Control might not be available for houses that are located on zones where the weather doesn't really change, like Fargrave as seen from the Shattered Mirror Isle house.
Keep in mind that these screen caps are from an internal build server from the ZOS livestream and we will have to wait until Mondays PTS Patch Notes to confirm this new feature is coming with Update 45.
ESO Housing Collections menu difference between live servers and the internal build
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