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Guía de mazmorras de las profundidades de Graven ESO


Bienvenido a la guía de la mazmorra la Sima Mortuoria para dificultad normal y veterana en ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). la Sima Mortuoria forma parte del DLC Lost Depths.
Esta guía te explicará la mecánica de los jefes y de los mobs basura de esta mazmorra, así como el botín y las recompensas disponibles. También incluye los jefes secretos y cómo encontrarlos y activarlos.

Graven Deep dungeon in ESOLa mazmorra de Graven Deep en ESO

Índice de contenidos

Loot and Rewards

The Graven Deep dungeon has a selection of item sets that you can find from bosses and chests. There are also some collectible items that you can obtain by completing some of the achievements related to the dungeon. This section of the guide will outline these rewards. 

Loot Rewards from Graven Deep

There are four item sets to be found in Graven Deep - a monster set and three 5-piece item sets. Below are the sets and a quickfire review of each set:

  • Euphotic Gatekeeper - This is Graven Deep's monster set, and as such the helmet will drop from the final boss. The shoulders can be obtained by spending Undaunted Keys at an Undaunted Enclave. The set does seem to be rather niche, but I expect it to see some use in PvP especially among stamina nightblades, serving a similar purpose to the Eternal Hunt set, mostly making dodge roll spam even more annoying to deal with. 
  • Grave Inevitability - This is a Light Armor set, allowing you to very quickly get the Major Force buff and also apply Minor Force to your allies. This is the same buff that you get from Aggressive Horn, so if you are in a trial situation then you probably won't get much benefit from this set. However if you are solo or in a dungeon group where high warhorn uptime is unlikely, then you are going to get a lot more value from this set. 20% extra critical damage is certainly nothing to be scoffed at. 
  • Pangrit Denmother - This is a Heavy Armor set. It's a strange one, as it really just seems to be a worse version of Claw of Yolnahkriin which gives the same buff to 12 team members when you taunt an enemy. This set on the other hand can only give it to 4 people when you block. I personally cannot see any reason to use this over Yolnahkriin. 
  • Phylactery's Grasp - The final set available from Graven Deep. This is a Medium Amor set which puts a disease DoT on an enemy when you hit them with a critical light attack. If you hit them again with a subsequent critical light attack while the disease is still active, you will restore stamina. You need to be weaving light attacks to get the most out of this set, which is something to keep in mind. It is not a particularly powerful set, however it's not a terrible option if you are having stamina sustain issues. This set will help with that while also doing some extra damage. 

Collectible Rewards from Graven Deep

You can earn the following collectible rewards from Graven Deep:

Entering either this dungeon or Earthen Root Enclave for the first time will give you the Mulberry Hermit Crab pet. 

ESO Mulberry Hermit Crab pet
ESO Mulberry Hermit Crab pet
You can get the Touch of the Draoife Face Marks by completing all secret bosses in both Graven Deep and Earthen Root Enclave

You will unlock the Brightfern Green dye for completing both Graven Deep and Earthen Root Enclave on Veteran difficulty. 

Completing Graven Deep on Veteran difficulty will reward you with the Dhulef's Bubble Ward memento. 

ESO Dhulef's Bubble Ward memento
ESO Dhulef's Bubble Ward memento
Defeating Zelvraak the Unbreathing on Hardmode will unlock the "Breathless" title. 

Defeating all encounters in Graven Deep, including all trash, all secret bosses, and all three main bosses on Hardmode in less than 25 minutes without suffering a group member death will unlock the "Fist of Tava" title.

Finally, you can unlock the "Graven Deep Champion" title by completing all of the following achievements:

Trash pulls

There are many different types of trash mobs in Graven Deep. Many of them are not too dangerous and can be dealt with normally, but the more dangerous ones are mentioned below:


Hadolid mobs will drop large AOEs on the ground which should be avoided. 


Pangrits (which look a bit like Guars) will cleave the group, should be faced away. They sometimes run away after the Hadolids die. 

You can get a poison on you from the Pangrits. You will need to press a synergy to drop the poison, which will create a poison AOE on the ground. If you don't drop it you will eventually die.

Drowned Captains

Drowned Captains are ghosts with around 1M health. They can disappear, leaving behind lightning that will zap players. They then return in a different location so the tank should watch out and make sure to taunt them again when they come back.


In the latter parts of the dungeon, you will encounter Wraiths. These have around 1M health each, and can fear you. They also charge into the group, hurting anyone who doesn't move out of the way.

Secret Boss 1 - Mzugru, Security Drone

Mzugru, Security Drone is the first secret boss in Graven Deep

How to Find the Mzugru, Security Drone Boss in Graven Deep

Follow the path at the start of the dungeon. After the first couple of trash packs, there will be a trail leading to the right. At the end of the trail is a door in the floor called  Security Depot. Inside the room, you will need to activate several control knobs in the correct order to summon the boss. 

Defeating this boss gives you a buff called Shield Generator, increasing your max health by 10% and giving you 50% damage mitigation for 3 seconds when you take damage (40 second cooldown).

Security Depot entrance in ESO Graven Deep
Security Depot entrance in ESO Graven Deep

How to Defeat Mzugru, Security Drone Boss in Graven Deep

This boss has around 3 million HP. It's quite an easy boss, but there are a couple of things to watch out for:

Lightning Bolts

He shoots lightning bolts into the air. These land after a couple of seconds, creating lightning AOEs which should be avoided.


The boss will be shielded and healed by the pylons around the sides of the room. When this is happening, the boss is immune to all damage so you should focus on the pylon that is channeling. 

Spin Attack

The boss also does a spin attack. DDs and healers should step back to avoid this. 

Mzugru, Security Drone boss in ESO Graven Deep
Mzugru, Security Drone boss in ESO Graven Deep

Main Boss 1 - The Euphotic Gatekeeper

The Euphotic Gatekeeper is the first main (not optional) boss in Graven Deep. The boss is not too tough, but it moves around a lot which can be annoying and there is one important mechanic to be aware of.

How to Defeat The Euphotic Gatekeeper Boss in ESO Graven Deep

Below are the most important mechanics that you will need to watch out for when taking on The Euphotic Gatekeeper:


To summon the boss you will first need to defeat some Pangrits. They will keep spawning though. They jump out of three holes in the ground. To start the boss fight, you need to close these holes by dropping the poison synergy on them.


This boss charges around the room a lot, and will send out AOEs in multiple directions when he does this. Try to avoid these. Getting hit by the boss when he is charging will knock you back.


The boss teleports to other locations too. When he does this there will be an expanding AOE around him, which explodes at the same time as he teleports, so you will want to back away from this.

More Pangrits, and Poison

More pangrits will spawn throughout the fight, and players will get the poison on them again. Make sure to close off the Pangrit spawns by dropping the synergy on them.

The Euphotic Gatekeeper Hardmode Mechanics

On hardmode, the boss will have a bit more HP, at around 6.6 million, and his attacks will deal more damage. There are no additional mechanics. 

The Euphotic Gatekeeper boss in ESO
The Euphotic Gatekeeper boss in ESO

Secret Boss 2 - Xzyviian, Defense Crawler

Xzyviian, Defense Crawler is the second secret boss in Graven Deep

Defeating the boss gives you a buff called Defense Systems, which increases your maximum Magicka by 10%. You will also be able to activate laser defense systems inside the dungeon to do extra damage to enemies.

How to find the Xzyviian, Defense Crawler Boss in ESO Graven Deep

After defeating the Euphotic Gatekeeper, you will enter some Dwemer ruins. Follow the path until you reach a three way fork. Turn right and navigate through the traps, and you will reach the secret boss. The Traps are lasers that move around. You will need to crouch, jump and time your movement to get through them. If you are hit, you will be teleported back to the start.

Graven Deep Lasers
Graven Deep Lasers

How to defeat the Xzyviian, Defense Crawler Boss in ESO Graven Deep

This boss doesn't do much damage and is quite easy to beat. There are only a couple of mechanics worth mentioning:

Fire Meteors

The boss will shoot fire AOEs onto the ground, which should be avoided.

Jump AOEs

It will sometimes jump around, doing AOE damage at its previous location when it jumps. 

Xzyviian, Defense Crawler boss in ESO Graven Deep
Xzyviian, Defense Crawler boss in ESO Graven Deep

Main Boss 2 - Varzunon

Varzunon is the second main boss in Graven Deep. This boss is not super difficult, but does have a couple of mechanics that it's important to be aware of. 

How to defeat Varzunon in ESO Graven Deep

The notable mechanics of this boss are:

Skeleton Adds

The boss periodically summons skeleton adds. There are a lot of them so the tank will struggle to taunt them all. Try to stay close to your team and kill them with AOE damage.

Skeletal Sacrifices

Some of the skeletons will be glowing bright blue. These are skeletal sacrifices, and they need to be focused down by the DDs. If they do not die in time, Varzunon will consume them and grow in strength. He will get larger and his attacks will deal more damage.


Varzunon can stomp on the ground, doing a lot of AOE damage to players. Make sure to move away from the boss when this is happening.


The boss will summon blue fire meteors that rain down on the group members, doing a lot of damage. This is single target damage, not AOE, so it can't be avoided. It's best to stack for healing when this is happening.

Varzunon Hardmode mechanics

On hardmode, Varzunon will have around 8.5 million health. His attacks will also hit harder, but in terms of mechanics there is nothing new. 
Varzunon boss in ESO Graven Deep
Varzunon boss in ESO Graven Deep

Secret Boss 3 - Chralzak, Sphere 9402-A

Chralzak is the final secret boss in Graven Deep. It has around 3 million HP. Defeating this boss will give you the Remote Battery buff, increasing your maximum Stamina by 10% and supercharging your stamina recovery when your stamina runs low (60 second cooldown).

How to Find Chralzak in ESO Graven Deep

After you have defeated Varzunon and jumped down to the lowest level of the dungeon, continue to follow the path and defeat the first few trash packs. 

You will soon encounter a slightly concealed left turn, leading to the southernmost part of the map. You will need to solve a puzzle to reach the boss. There are six levers, and each one will activate and deactivate some of the traps. Looking at a lever will highlight which traps it controls. One player should go ahead and navigate the traps while another manipulates the levers to help them. 

Upon reaching the far side, you can pull another lever to turn off the traps so the rest of your team can cross safely. The boss will spawn in the middle of the room after the traps are disabled. 

Use the levers to disable the traps and uncover Chralzak
Use the levers to disable the traps and uncover Chralzak

How to defeat Chralzak in ESO Graven Deep

Similarly to Xzyviian, this boss is really quite weak and his attacks do not do much damage. There are only a couple of mechanics worth mentioning:

Spin attack

Chralzak has a spin attack. Players should move back when this happens to avoid the AOE.

Lightning Zap

He will zap the ground with  lightning in random locations. It's best to move away from these AOEs to avoid the damage.

Chralzak Boss in ESO Graven Deep
Chralzak Boss in ESO Graven Deep

Main Boss 3 - Zelvraak the Unbreathing

Zelvraak the Unbreathing is the final boss in Graven Deep. He is the hardest boss in the ESO Lost Depths dungeon DLC and will you require some coordination and situational awareness to prevail. 

Before starting the boss you will need to defeat a Flesh Colossus and some ghosts. These don't do too much. Just watch out for the Flesh Colossus as he can hit quite hard.

How to defeat Zelvraak the Unbreathing in ESO

Zelvraak has about 8.2 million HP. There are multiple phases to the fight, and quite a few mechanics. These are outlined below:

Ice Pools

The boss will spawn ice AOEs under the feet of players. You should move out of these when you see them spawning.

Tank Cleave

The boss will target whoever has aggro with a long conal cleave attack. This follows the player (generally the tank) around and stretches all the way to the edge of the room, so the tank should stand still to avoid catching group members in the cone.


At 75% and 25% health, the boss will split into four shades. These will channel an ability that needs to be  interrupted, therefore each players should stand next to a shade.

Sea Orb

This is the most important mechanic - you must keep on top of it to succeed. Zelvraak summons a Sea Orb that floats in the air and gradually descends to ground level. If it reaches the ground it explodes, which will instantly kill all players, therefore you should assign a player to keep an eye on the orb and damage it to stop its descent. When it takes some damage it will float upwards again. Keep doing this whenever you see an orb descending. 


The boss will sometimes fear the entire party. You cannot break free from this and it lasts for several seconds, which can be very dangerous and send you running into AOEs. Luckily you can avoid the fear by looking away from the boss when it is about to happen. He will say something like "Gaze upon true fear" just before casting this spell.

Sundered Soul

A random player will be targeted with Sundered Soul, where their soul is torn from their body. The afflicted player with have a strong DoT on them, and they need to find and collect a golden ghost to retrieve their soul, before the DoT kills them.

The boss will also gain some extra abilities depending on the class of the player who was sundered, for example a Sorcerer's soul will allow the boss to send out extra shock AOEs, and a templar soul will create Nova AOEs, and so on.

Find the golden ghost when your soul is sundered
Find the golden ghost when your soul is sundered

Zelvraak's Realm

At 50% health, Zelvraak  will send everyone into a different version of the arena, where you will gradually take damage. You need to run around and collect the glowing ghosts to heal yourself through this phase. Stay away from the middle of the room, because the boss will drop an AOE there after a few seconds.

There are also smaller ghosts that will slowly glide towards the middle of the room, where the boss is doing a ritual. You should try to destroy as many of these ghosts as you can. The more that reach the center, the stronger the Flesh Colossus add that spawns in the next phase will be. 

Flesh Colossus

When you return from the portal, there will be a flesh colossus add alongside the boss. This hits the tank quite hard, so it should ideally be focused down.


Zelvraak can target the entire group with Inferno, sending consecutive projectiles towards you. When this is happening your healer should concentrate on healing through the damage. 

Zelvraak the Unbreathing Hardmode mechanics

On hardmode, Zelvraak will have around 12.3 million health. His attacks generally hit a bit harder here. 

The boss will periodically shoot fire orbs everyone in the group - they keep firing every second and this will persist for around 20 seconds. The orbs hit fairly hard so the healer will need to keep on top of this damage to keep the team alive. 

Two players at a time will be targeted by Sundered Soul.

Finally, there will be four Sea Orbs in hardmode, and if any of them reach the ground then the team will immediately die. You may want to assign players in your group to watch over one or two of the orb locations to make them easier to keep on top of. 

Zelvraak the Unbreathing boss in ESO Graven Deep
Zelvraak the Unbreathing boss in ESO Graven Deep

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