Bienvenue au guide du donjon Profondeurs mortuaires pour la difficulté normale et vétéran dans ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Profondeurs mortuaires fait partie du DLC Lost Depths.
Ce guide explique les mécanismes des boss et des trash mobs de ce donjon, ainsi que le butin et les récompenses disponibles. Il comprend également les boss secrets et la façon de les trouver et de les activer.
The Graven Deep dungeon has a selection of item sets that you can find from bosses and chests. There are also some collectible items that you can obtain by completing some of the achievements related to the dungeon. This section of the guide will outline these rewards.
There are many different types of trash mobs in Graven Deep. Many of them are not too dangerous and can be dealt with normally, but the more dangerous ones are mentioned below:
The Euphotic Gatekeeper is the first main (not optional) boss in Graven Deep. The boss is not too tough, but it moves around a lot which can be annoying and there is one important mechanic to be aware of.