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ESO Achievements header

ESO Achievements

ESO Achievements

Welcome to the ESO achievements overview page. In this category of the website you can find all the Elder Scrolls Online achievements.

Achievements grant in-game points and sometimes special rewards such as furnishings, titles, dyes or mounts. If you want to track your progress, you have to visit your journal and choose the header Achievements. Some milestones come easily, others are very hard to achieve.

There's a total amount of Achievement points acquirable, that will be raised with each DLC release.

Categorías de logros

Categoría Puntos de logro
arrow Aniversario 470
arrow Campeón 235
arrow Clase 505
arrow Compañeros 220
arrow Diseño de habilidades 95
arrow Fragmentos de cielo 475
arrow General 595
arrow Gremios 520
arrow Hombre lobo 105
arrow Justicia 420
arrow Trofeos 80
arrow Vampirismo 110
Jugador contra Jugador
arrow Campos de batalla 580
arrow General 450
arrow Guerra de las Alianzas 915
arrow Alquimia 490
arrow Artesanía de joyería 165
arrow Atuendos 95
arrow Carpintería 230
arrow Cocina 255
arrow Encantamiento 250
arrow General 1425
arrow Herrería 230
arrow Sastrería 260
arrow General 550
arrow Mazmorras de grupo 390
arrow Mazmorras públicas 1910
arrow Pruebas 890
Mazmorras (Veterano)
arrow Desafíos de erradicación 480
arrow Desafíos de supervivencia 1200
arrow Desafíos de velocidad 1250
arrow Desafíos mortales 1250
arrow General 355
arrow Alianza de Salto de la Daga 1055
arrow Craglorn 385
arrow Cyrodiil 230
arrow Dominio de Aldmer 1040
arrow General 165
arrow Pacto de Corazón de Ébano 1050
arrow Pesca 190
arrow Puerto Gélido 175
arrow Áncoras oscuras 410
arrow Alianza de Salto de la Daga 410
arrow Craglorn 285
arrow Cyrodiil 50
arrow Dominio de Aldmer 410
arrow General 310
arrow Historia principal 160
arrow Pacto de Corazón de Ébano 430
arrow Puerto Gélido 95
arrow Decoración 150
arrow General 50
arrow Propiedad 320
Eventos festivos
arrow Midyear Mayhem 0
arrow Celebración del Aniversario 140
arrow Festival de la Nueva Vida 190
arrow Festival de las Brujas 320
arrow Festival del Bufón 270
arrow Matanza de Descarga Blanca 165
arrow Agente del destino 0
arrow Blackwood 10
arrow Deadlands 10
arrow Dragonhold 10
arrow Elsweyr 85
arrow Galen 10
arrow General 30
arrow Gold Road 10
arrow Greymoor 10
arrow High Isle 10
arrow Markarth 10
arrow Murkmire 45
arrow Necrom 10
arrow Antigüedades 485
arrow Exploración 370
arrow General 390
arrow Misiones 255
arrow Tormentas segadoras 155
arrow Égida de Kyne 430
arrow Cúspide del Sol 400
arrow Exploración 400
arrow General 270
arrow Misiones 270
arrow Exploración 385
arrow General 365
arrow Géiseres abisales 150
arrow Misiones 340
arrow Nubelia 695
arrow Exploración 380
arrow General 480
arrow Misiones 255
arrow Salones de fabricación 525
arrow General 245
arrow Veterano 700
arrow Exploración 130
arrow General 320
arrow Misiones 225
arrow General 175
arrow Veterano 670
arrow General 185
arrow Veterano 685
arrow Exploración 120
arrow General 245
arrow Misiones 240
arrow Prisión de Rosa Negra 445
arrow General 155
arrow Veterano 685
Dragon Bones
arrow General 145
arrow Veterano 730
Clockwork City
arrow Exploración 85
arrow General 235
arrow Misiones 215
arrow Santuario del Amparo 425
Horns of the Reach
arrow General 145
arrow Veterano 615
Shadows of the Hist
arrow General 155
arrow Veterano 630
Dark Brotherhood
arrow Exploración 295
arrow General 375
arrow Misiones 180
Thieves Guild
arrow Exploración 370
arrow Fauces de Lorkhaj 340
arrow General 320
arrow Misiones 275
arrow Arena Maelstrom 115
arrow Exploración 425
arrow General 300
arrow Misiones 170
Imperial City
arrow General 700
arrow Prisión de la Ciudad Imperial 300
arrow Torre Blanca y Dorada 275
arrow General 175
arrow Veterano 880
arrow Antigüedades 130
arrow Exploración 115
arrow General 310
arrow Las Quebradas del Vateshran 485
arrow Misiones 295
Flames of Ambition
arrow General 155
arrow Veterano 790
arrow Antigüedades 125
arrow Arboleda Pétrea 420
arrow Compañeros 120
arrow Exploración 445
arrow General 260
arrow Misiones 230
Waking Flame
arrow General 255
arrow Veterano 890
arrow Antigüedades 105
arrow Exploración 160
arrow General 320
arrow Misiones 225
Ascending Tide
arrow General 215
arrow Veterano 1010
High Isle
arrow Antigüedades 140
arrow Arrecife Temible 370
arrow Compañeros 120
arrow Exploración 390
arrow General 295
arrow Historias de homenaje 685
arrow Misiones 230
arrow Respiraderos volcánicos 90
Lost Depths
arrow General 235
arrow Veterano 1090
Canto Ardiente
arrow Antigüedades 135
arrow Exploración 100
arrow General 230
arrow Historias de homenaje 40
arrow Misiones 205
Scribes of Fate
arrow General 250
arrow Veterano 1110
arrow Antigüedades 170
arrow Bastión Nímico 125
arrow Borde de la Locura 380
arrow Compañeros 120
arrow Exploración 410
arrow General 280
arrow Historias de homenaje 65
arrow Misiones 330
Archivo Infinito
arrow Exploración 0
arrow General 0
arrow Historias de homenaje 0
Infinite Archive
arrow Exploración 940
arrow General 650
arrow Historias de homenaje 45
Scions of Ithelia
arrow General 240
arrow Veterano 1100
Gold Road
arrow Antigüedades 110
arrow Ciudadela Luciente 400
arrow Escribanía 505
arrow Exploración 465
arrow General 325
arrow Historias de homenaje 45
arrow Misiones 290
arrow Mosaicos del Páramo Espejado 65
arrow General 270
arrow Veterano 1040

What Achievements are

Achievements are goals you accomplish in-game. For this you are awarded Achievement points. These Achievement points accumulate on a specific Achievement screen and are separated in global and character-specific Achievement points. It is a milestone-meter and doesn't serve any other purpose than showing the player how much Achievement points they have earned.

Achievement points are usually awarded in increments of 5. So it starts with 5 points for easy Achievements and reaches up to 50 for harder to accomplish Achievements. Below you can see an example of this:

Champion of Evening Star Achievement in ESO
The Quest Journal holds the Achievement page, which lists all the Achievements in categories. On PC you can open the Achievements tab by pressing J to open the journal and then selecting the Achievements tab in the top right corner. The Achievement categories are the following:

  • Summary
  • Character
  • Player vs Player
  • Crafting
  • Dungeons
  • Veteran Dungeons
  • Exploration
  • Quests
  • Housing
  • Holiday Events
  • Prologues
  • Chapters
  • DLC

How Achievements work

Achievements also build up on each other in most cases. This can be either by completing minor Achievements in order to complete a bigger achievement and get a reward, or by completing all Achievements for a trial, dungeon or DLC. In the example below you can see both see Achievements you need for completing a DLC, as well as an overall achievement you need to receive a special reward. You will only receive these rewards if you complete a list of Achievements.

Hall of Fabrication Achievements list in ESO
Master Monster Slayer Achievement list in ESO


Some of the rewards you can expect from Achievements are:

To showcase an example, let's take one of the most favorite skins in the game, the Dro-m'Athra Skin.
Dro-m'Athra skin in ESO on a Khajiit
In order to receive this skin, or any skin, you have to complete a specific Achievement. Sometimes, in rare cases, it's multiple Achievements, but this one is straight forward.

In order to receive the Dro-m'Athra skin you need to complete the Maw of Lorkhaj on Veteran modus.
Dro-m'Athra skin achievement in the Maw of Lorkhaj in ESO
For this you need a raid party of usually 12 people in total. Compared to other skin-achievements you do not have to absolve it on Hardmode or any other really hard achievement, but the trial itself can propose quite a challenge to inexperienced trial groups.

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