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Craftable - ESO
Craftable - ESO
The ESO crafted sets category contains all craftable sets in the Elder Scrolls Online. For each crafted set in ESO you can also find the location where it is crafted as well as how many traits are required to craft the set. Crafted ESO sets can be very powerful, if you are a new player it is recommended to ask a guild member to craft you these sets if you don't fulfill the requirements yet to craft the sets.
To be able to craft all crafted sets, you need to research traits. Some of the craftable sets require you to have researched all traits of an item, otherwise you won't be allowed to create the item because you don't fulfill the requirement. You can learn more about trait research in the Trait Research Guide.
The set pages show the location of the crafting station as well as the traits needed to be able to craft the set.
To be able to craft all crafted sets, you need to research traits. Some of the craftable sets require you to have researched all traits of an item, otherwise you won't be allowed to create the item because you don't fulfill the requirement. You can learn more about trait research in the Trait Research Guide.
The set pages show the location of the crafting station as well as the traits needed to be able to craft the set.